
Full-time undergraduate applications for 2024 to 2025 are now open! You should:

  • Apply online now, it takes less than 30 minutes to complete.
  • Apply using your preferred choice, don’t wait for UCAS offers! You can change your uni/course details later!

Find out what you need to know about student finance before you apply and visit our:

Part-time undergraduate applications are expected to open by the end of May 2024.

Full time

Find out what student finance you can get to help pay your tuition fees and living costs while at uni or college. There’s also information on the extra help available if you have children or a disability, and funding for NHS and Initial Teacher Training courses.

Part time

Find out what student finance you can get to help pay your tuition fees while at uni or college. New students starting a part-time course on or after 1 August 2018 can also get help with their living costs. There’s also extra help available if you have a disability.