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@PrincessBO$$ Careful or Ill call every police station on the island of Hispaniola and report you for being a 2 (that's an offence to the eyes of men)!
You come from that island dont you?
Original post by ivybridge
So you're trying to say I wanted this? You manipulative little ****. I do not support open borders - control yourself. ****ing bigot.

If you oppose Trump, you support open borders.

Original post by PrincessBO$$

and trump wants to BAN Mexicans and Latino.


Trump wants to ban ILLEGALS. I'm sure a girl this attractive would have the sense to enter the US through the proper channels.
Trump is saying that all Muslims are terrorists unless proven otherwise. That's the whole point, he wants to exclude all Muslims (sorry, "Mooslims") until such time as they can prove they are innocent.

Apart from any other consideration, it's not exactly a policy likely to endear the US to Muslims generally around the world and that matters a lot right now.
Original post by Jebedee
If you oppose Trump, you support open borders.

Trump wants to ban ILLEGALS. I'm sure a girl this attractive would have the sense to enter the US through the proper channels.

I believe he wants to creat a wall and he says he is deporting all mexicans,
@Jebedee Why are you being so unpatriotic and choosing a profile tag with a namesake of a Italian liberal communist sympathiser on an old children's TV programme from a hard left TV channel?

Reply 125
Original post by PrincessBO$$

btw trump likes the uneducated because he is uneducated, and he know ONLY the uneducated will follow him LIKE SHEEP.

Trump graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, arguably the most prestigious business school in the world.
(edited 7 years ago)
Reply 126
Original post by PrincessBO$$
I believe he wants to creat a wall and he says he is deporting all mexicans,

He wants to deport illegal immigrants, not all Mexicans. :facepalm2:
Original post by PrincessBO$$
I believe he wants to creat a wall and he says he is deporting all mexicans,

That is a just a complete and utter lie.
Original post by Newsout

No they aren't don't delude yourself. You can never find me ONE violent thing endorsed by Jesus christ at all but there are over 100 verses of murder and violence in the Qur'an so please do not say they are alike because they aren't and yes I have studied with religions in and out, probably far more than you so please ask another question.

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword"- Mathew 10:34

This verse seems pretty violent... unless you give an alternative interpretation which there obviously are.
Original post by JoePFR
Proof of the first claim?

And because Christians, Jews and Hindus aren't nearly as marginalised as Muslims are in the West. In instances where those groups ARE marginalised, they DO become a radical force. Catholicism in communist Poland, 1st Century Zealotism, there are even examples of Buddhist extremism in the last few decades.

islamist terrorsim is by no means limited to the west - it exists almost everwhere where islam has a hold over a community , are trying to suggest muslims are 'marginalised' all over the globe? seems like an apologist excuse for crimes.
Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrumpSadly, the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and hispanics-a tough subject-must be discussed.9:05 AM - 5 Jun 2013where are the statistics? Huh. You support this crazy *******?

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Original post by PrincessBO$$
Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrumpSadly, the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and hispanics-a tough subject-must be discussed.9:05 AM - 5 Jun 2013where are the statistics? Huh. You support this crazy bastard?

So you are complaining about the truth?

You are saying he is wrong with out even knowing if he is wrong or not, unbelievable. Who do you think commits most crimes in major US cities?
Original post by PrincessBO$$
I believe he wants to creat a wall and he says he is deporting all mexicans,

Please provide a link to the video (not huffpo article) showing him saying he is deporting ALL Mexicans.

Original post by Fullofsurprises
Trump is saying that all Muslims are terrorists unless proven otherwise. That's the whole point, he wants to exclude all Muslims (sorry, "Mooslims":wink: until such time as they can prove they are innocent.

Apart from any other consideration, it's not exactly a policy likely to endear the US to Muslims generally around the world and that matters a lot right now.

No, he is saying that national security and personal safety of the American people is a higher priority than the travel plans of Muslims. It's nothing personal against them, just that at this time there seems to be no other way of guaranteeing safety.

Original post by trumpisbae2
@Jebedee Why are you being so unpatriotic and choosing a profile tag with a namesake of a Italian liberal communist sympathiser on an old children's TV programme from a hard left TV channel?


Perhaps you're thinking of Zebedee? :P
Original post by Josb
Trump graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, arguably the most prestigious business school in the world.

And yet his statements are reminiscent of comments you'd expect from ignorant children :toofunny:
Original post by Jebedee
If you oppose Trump, you support open borders.

I'm not even going to entertain this *******s. I don't support Trump for a range of reasons. I don't support open borders. Open borders did not cause the attack in Orlando, nor the attack in Paris, nor the attack in Brussels. They were by people born and bred in those countries. Educate your tiny ****ing brain.
Original post by champ_mc99
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword"- Mathew 10:34

This verse seems pretty violent... unless you give an alternative interpretation which there obviously are.

The actual meaning of that is because Jesus is called the Prince of peace in the Bible and those who believe in him believe in him because he's the source of eternal salvation (John 14:6)

But since there's an eternal conflict between good and bad and God brought his son as a person who divides the good from the evil

His visit to the earth, some children would be set against parents and a man’s enemies might be those within his own household. This is because many who choose to follow Christ are hated by their family.

A true disciple should be able to die for Christ, carry a cross for him and face persecution for him, The love of Jesus represents a battle that true disciples must face to be worthy of him that's what the sword means.
Original post by ivybridge
I'm not even going to entertain this *******s. I don't support Trump for a range of reasons. I don't support open borders. Open borders did not cause the attack in Orlando, nor the attack in Paris, nor the attack in Brussels. They were by people born and bred in those countries. Educate your tiny ****ing brain.

Born to people who lived in those countries, as a result of open borders.
Original post by The_Opinion
Born to people who lived in those countries, as a result of open borders.

Open borders = not something the United States has.

No. The attacker in Orlando was born in America - his parents did not commit nor condone what their son did. Stop.
Original post by Fullofsurprises
Assault weapons are the sacred right of every man, woman, child and baby in the country, even extremely nuts people.

Define assault weapon.


