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Original post by Hype en Ecosse
You get a lot of very bad players who can be very toxic. These are people you 100% ignore and get on with your own game.

Bot lane main checking in - as adc, the two main things you need to know for lane is how to farm and how to trade. Farming is simple, but can be quite difficult. Creep gets low, hit it. Gain gold! Problem is, if you don't know how much damage you do, you can sliver creeps quite often. My biggest tip for last hitting is to watch what your own creeps are attacking - if you have 5 ranged creeps that've piled up and are going ham on some poor creep, you need to watch their particles so that you can time your attack with when the creeps get it low, and before they kill it.

For the supp who tries to farm: you can ask him nicely to please stop
You can see if he has relic shield and just doesn't understand how it works
And last option: just play assuming your supp will try to take the farm. If you see him going for a creep he can't last hit, be ready to follow up. As the adc, you'll pack more damage too, so after getting pickaxe or bf you can last hit earlier than he can, and keep your farm that way.
The hardest part of playing adc, by far, is teamfighting. I have 700 games of League and I still don't think I ever do max dps in teamfights. It's a tricky business of positioning and playing around cooldowns.

As a supp, it depends on what your champ is. You need to understand what your champ's role in a comp is to play it well. You can't play Janna like a pick champ, you can't play Blitzcrank as a disengage support. You need to understand your role and matchup to know what you should be doing - I think that's part of what makes support tricky. I suck at Soraka because I play pick, tank and disengage supports. I just can't sit in backline and heal people during teamfights.

Jungling: first noob tip is to learn how to efficiently clear. If your jungler uses a lot of mana, you can start Gromp -> Blue -> Wolves -> Red -> Krugs; if you have a good AD jungler, then starting Krugs -> Red -> Wolves -> Gromp/Blue -> Blue/Gromp is a good first clear.

You'll find at first that you'll only be able to do gromp and blue before having to back to base to finish your clear later. But once you get good at it, you'll be able to do a full clear on almost all junglers the first time around! Clearing is all about killing the camp as fast as you can, while taking as little damage as you can. How you do this depends on your jungler and you should really just look up guides per champ to learn their "combos" and tips.

Something unique about the jungler is that you can afford to look at your minimap 24/7 without missing much on your own screen since you're afk farming camps. You have three things to think about as a jungler:
1. Farming up
2. Snowballing lanes
3. Setting the other jungler behind.

When to farm, when to counterjungle, when to gank are hard decisions to make. IMO, your default mode should be farming, and while you're doing that, look for gankable lanes. The prime example of a gankable lane is:

1. Pushed up to your tower - this means they're far away from the safety of their own turret. It's very rarely worth ganking a lane that has someone stuck under their own turret, unless you can pull off a tower dive.
2. Is an immobile champ - Viktor mid keeps pushing up? Punish him. Ashe adc keeps shoving the wave? Punish her. LeBlanc mid is shoved up to the tower? LOL GOOD LUCK CATCHING HER.
3. Has summoners down. A lane without flash is so much easier to gank as it limits their escape potential. Keep in mind, if you gank a lane and they burn their flash to get away from you, then that's a successful gank! After that, flash is down for 5 minutes, which leaves them super vulnerable!
4. Raging in all chat. Tilt them even more by continually ganking. :wink:
5. Has healthy allies. You can't gank bot if your adc is on 5hp and you can't solo kill their carry. You baiting your adc to come fight will likely just get you both killed!

Thanks for the tips! I found the jungling tips especially useful for me.

I have actually improved in farming since I first played League. Depending on the champion, I can get 100+ in first 10 mins.

Hahaha, I have to agree with LeBlanc. Right now I think she is owning mid lane because of the burst she does. Especially with her distortion, it's hard to gank her as a jungler (I played LeBlanc and I have to say, it is very easy to escape a gank :tongue:).

I used to play League once upon a time, it wasn't that toxic back then but now there are more players they can be really mean and just unhelpful. Honestly, I try sometimes to communicate with my team but it's like I'm speaking to myself... anyways that's me!
I don't really enjoy it anymore. I didn't even bother to hit gold before the end of the season and I just don't get anything from it anymore. After thousands of games and many hours of fun it may be time to find a new timesink. :moon:
Original post by MrMackyTv
Ha you noticed the lore reference. Two sisters going against each other. I think Morgana would win, she has a snare and she has a good AoE ability. What do you think?

Omg, thunderlords is OP. I played top lane with Quinn and what I'm starting to notice is that top is broken. You got Illaoi there and you got noobs who have two top (that was the match I had with Quinn and I still wrecked them). I don't really like playing top anymore, so thats why I usually go mid or adc/supp. I haven't jungled yet, I might try that out with Quinn or Cho cho. :smile:

I'd plump for Kayle in lane, she has the better harass and her leveled Q is almost equal to a binding when your jungler is ganking, and much easier to land...!

Plus you have heal sustain, and can speed your adc to safety, though I don't know which would be better in the team fights, probably morgana
Reply 8883
Original post by ByronicHero
I don't really enjoy it anymore. I didn't even bother to hit gold before the end of the season and I just don't get anything from it anymore. After thousands of games and many hours of fun it may be time to find a new timesink. :moon:

Have you played 5.23/5.24 yet? I've been playing League since the end of S1 and the way you stay interested is take breaks of 1-2 months time to time. I haven't played since September and I miss playing League lol. If 5.24 is fun I might play some occasional games again.
Original post by ETRC
Have you played 5.23/5.24 yet? I've been playing League since the end of S1 and the way you stay interested is take breaks of 1-2 months time to time. I haven't played since September and I miss playing League lol. If 5.24 is fun I might play some occasional games again.

I've been playing since late 2011 I think.

I have played recently but I mainly play ARAMs just to kill time. I think it is because I have every champion and have played them all a multitude of times in pretty much every position so nothing is interesting anymore. I did stop playing for about 4 months at one point a couple of years ago though and when I came back did enjoy it far more.
Dota 2 master race represent
Original post by Architecture-er
I'd plump for Kayle in lane, she has the better harass and her leveled Q is almost equal to a binding when your jungler is ganking, and much easier to land...!

Plus you have heal sustain, and can speed your adc to safety, though I don't know which would be better in the team fights, probably morgana

Kayle's Q isn't a skill shot hence it is much easier to land. Morgana's snare is a skill shot which makes it more challenging but when you land it you can start your combo. Q > W > R etc...

When it comes to team fight Morgana would probably be better. She has a better AoE ability, Kayle's E is just splash but I agree that her Q > E > AA combo is a good harass. You can get at least 3 or so AA's with that combo.
Reply 8887
Original post by ByronicHero
I've been playing since late 2011 I think.

I have played recently but I mainly play ARAMs just to kill time. I think it is because I have every champion and have played them all a multitude of times in pretty much every position so nothing is interesting anymore. I did stop playing for about 4 months at one point a couple of years ago though and when I came back did enjoy it far more.

The meta always changes which is why I guess I still like the game. I like outplaying opponents so don't like ARAM too much.
Original post by ETRC
The meta always changes which is why I guess I still like the game. I like outplaying opponents so don't like ARAM too much.

I used to feel exactly the same way but if I actually try really hard to outplay people in my ELO it is pretty easy, yet I don't have the motive to play enough to leave this ELO so I am in a catch 22. I still find Nasus top pretty relaxing to play though, plus I can open the gates :lol:
Reply 8889
Original post by ByronicHero
I used to feel exactly the same way but if I actually try really hard to outplay people in my ELO it is pretty easy, yet I don't have the motive to play enough to leave this ELO so I am in a catch 22. I still find Nasus top pretty relaxing to play though, plus I can open the gates :lol:

Since starting uni I've had no time to play but for next term I guess I can play like 1 or 2 ranked games a week on the weekends. I just feel like dumping on people in lane lol. I have like plat/ low dia level mechanics if I am on point but after a long break I doubt I'll be as good as I was. Guess I'll just have to stomp some silver scrums :smile:
Original post by ETRC
Since starting uni I've had no time to play but for next term I guess I can play like 1 or 2 ranked games a week on the weekends. I just feel like dumping on people in lane lol. I have like plat/ low dia level mechanics if I am on point but after a long break I doubt I'll be as good as I was. Guess I'll just have to stomp some silver scrums :smile:

You are far better than I am. I have bronze 5 mechanics - it took me like two years before I used my keyboard to use items :lol: I can farm well, understand wave management and have decent game knowledge though which means I can hit low gold pretty easily. With my potato mechanics though I doubt I could reach plat without maining one or two champs and playing a lot which isn't really something I would want to do. Good luck getting to diamond though, that would be cool.
Havent played for 4 months , hoping to hit high gold in placements.
Original post by TSR Mustafa
Havent played for 4 months , hoping to hit high gold in placements.

Oooh good luck
Original post by Starvation13
Oooh good luck

Challenger master race come get me cuz,
Reply 8895
Original post by ByronicHero
You are far better than I am. I have bronze 5 mechanics - it took me like two years before I used my keyboard to use items :lol: I can farm well, understand wave management and have decent game knowledge though which means I can hit low gold pretty easily. With my potato mechanics though I doubt I could reach plat without maining one or two champs and playing a lot which isn't really something I would want to do. Good luck getting to diamond though, that would be cool.

I've never ever been diamond cos my macro is not as good. I used to purely rely on mechanics to win games which worked in S3 but in S5 it's much harder to solo carry and you need more game knowledge. I literally main the best or most op champs to climb- it was Viktor in S5. My friend only found about item actives in silver1 lol.
Original post by ETRC
I've never ever been diamond cos my macro is not as good. I used to purely rely on mechanics to win games which worked in S3 but in S5 it's much harder to solo carry and you need more game knowledge. I literally main the best or most op champs to climb- it was Viktor in S5. My friend only found about item actives in silver1 lol.

I think I went from bronze 4 to gold 5 (or something like that) in like a week mainly playing middlestix and Xin jungle. Your friend sounds like me except I knew they were there just never used them. Even now I can only regularly remember to use 2 in fights.
Original post by MrMackyTv
Same here. It can be quite fun (I don't smurf though) but it's annoying when you call top and someone instalocks or comes top with you despite it being a solo lane. Top is a farmfest anyways so... lol

I think my weakest lane is bot. If I am adc my support probably just farms and doesn't let me farm or I don't have a support at all. If I am support my adc is either really good a carries the game or really bad and blames it on me... I don't know why I am always caught up with bad teams. Usually my league experience is positive, even if we lose sometimes it is a good match and it lasts for a long time.

How are you at jungling? If you have jungled, you got any tips you can give to the noob? :tongue:

Just some advice since you're starting - try not to focus on your team and how it's bad. Just focus on you're playing. If you want to improve, one simple thing I can say is: focus on your KDA.

Lots of kills = great. No deaths = great. Lots of assists = great.

If you have many kills, then it suggests you're at least hitting the enemy and getting damage in. If you're just last hitting for kills, that's not so great; make sure to check your damage output at the end of the game.

If you die a lot, then that would mean you're out of position a lot or losing duels or doing something wrong. Reducing that will improve your positioning and will deny the enemy team money.

Having a lot of assists means that you have good pressure across the map! It's a team game after all, so you need to work alongside everyone.

Please look at the minimap every second. Map awareness is one of the most important things in the entire game. Even when I play with my friends in high Plat, I need to keep pointing out the minimap to them. I'm playing bot lane and when my friend plays mid, I end up having to point out what's happening in the jungle near mid. Just get used to looking at the minimap every second.

Of course, if you're playing a supportive style champ, then having a lot of kills isn't so handy, but the KDA tip applies generally! :smile: Try not to be too afraid to take risks - see what your limits are so you won't make the same mistake twice. Golden rule for LoL - don't make the same mistake twice.

Regarding jungle, I'd say at your level to try out different champs and see what style you like. Champions are very unique and have their own play style. For example, I play various junglers, but I'd say I'm in my element when playing Evelyn or Rengar because of their stealth mechanics. But, even then, they're both quite different. You can play them in many ways, but I sometimes look at the champs' lore and play to their strengths.

For example, Rengar is a predator - he's quiet, fast and strong. He doesn't have much in the way of defensive capabilities. Therefore, from looking at his strengths and weaknesses, you can't do extended trades; instead, you do short bursts. You have a lot of power and surprise, but you're very squishy. I play him like an assassin/predator.

Sorry if the advice isn't so helpful; I'm actually not sure what to say and I'm not even sure if my advice is that helpful! Feel free to ask me anytime though.

Just remember - don't blame your teammates and don't focus on them. It's all about self-improvement.
Learn to type in chat to make calls but never to blame.
(edited 8 years ago)
Original post by Quick-use
Just some advice since you're starting - try not to focus on your team and how it's bad. Just focus on you're playing. If you want to improve, one simple thing I can say is: focus on your KDA.

Lots of kills = great. No deaths = great. Lots of assists = great.

If you have many kills, then it suggests you're at least hitting the enemy and getting damage in. If you're just last hitting for kills, that's not so great; make sure to check your damage output at the end of the game.

If you die a lot, then that would mean you're out of position a lot or losing duels or doing something wrong. Reducing that will improve your positioning and will deny the enemy team money.

Having a lot of assists means that you have good pressure across the map! It's a team game after all, so you need to work alongside everyone.

Please look at the minimap every second. Map awareness is one of the most important things in the entire game. Even when I play with my friends in high Plat, I need to keep pointing out the minimap to them. I'm playing bot lane and when my friend plays mid, I end up having to point out what's happening in the jungle near mid. Just get used to looking at the minimap every second.

Of course, if you're playing a supportive style champ, then having a lot of kills isn't so handy, but the KDA tip applies generally! :smile: Try not to be too afraid to take risks - see what your limits are so you won't make the same mistake twice. Golden rule for LoL - don't make the same mistake twice.

Regarding jungle, I'd say at your level to try out different champs and see what style you like. Champions are very unique and have their own play style. For example, I play various junglers, but I'd say I'm in my element when playing Evelyn or Rengar because of their stealth mechanics. But, even then, they're both quite different. You can play them in many ways, but I sometimes look at the champs' lore and play to their strengths.

For example, Rengar is a predator - he's quiet, fast and strong. He doesn't have much in the way of defensive capabilities. Therefore, from looking at his strengths and weaknesses, you can't do extended trades; instead, you do short bursts. You have a lot of power and surprise, but you're very squishy. I play him like an assassin/predator.

Sorry if the advice isn't so helpful; I'm actually not sure what to say and I'm not even sure if my advice is that helpful! Feel free to ask me anytime though.

Just remember - don't blame your teammates and don't focus on them. It's all about self-improvement.
Learn to type in chat to make calls but never to blame.

Thanks! I have been try to not focus on the team mates. I don't blame at all, there are others who blame in chat and I think it's just so toxic when it's mid/late game because everyone's moral is just decreased because of that one idiot.

I just played Shyvana jungle and I absolutely loved it. Her ultimate is really good for jumping out of bushes suprising the enemy team, I got some really good ganks with her. The enemy team didn't have a jungler, so that might have made it easier for me to take control of the whole jungle, including theirs. She takes out camps so fast mid/late game and she can solo dragon early too which I love. When I was first jungling I tried Quinn and I didn't like it, but she isn't really a jungle champ anyways... I might try cho cho next when I go jungle.
I wish I never started playing this game..

Btw I think that 70% of the LoL community are not smart enough to even understand the game :lol:

Quick Reply
