The Student Room Group

Advertisement or Advertisment?

How do you pronounce the word advertisement?
Option A: Ad-vert-ize-ment
Option B: Ad-vert-is-ment
Personally I’m option B.
Reply 1
It's Advertisement apperently. When I type Advertisment it autocorrects to Advertisement. Although if you type it into Google it comes up Advertisment. :ninja:
It's always spelt the first way, no matter how you pronounce it (I pronounce it the second way too).
I was brought up using option B. but my job, call center tech, insists I use option A. Stating that option a is the 'american' way...
Reply 4
I say it the B way
Option A all the way!

I put the emphasis on the first bit, pretty sure the other way (emphasis on the 'tize') is American.
A :tongue:

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