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How To Get A Great Bum ?

For many years woman (and even some men) have worried about the size and condition of their bottom. The good news is that there are simple exercises that you can do that target the buttocks, and can give you those buns of steel that you crave.

The Benefits Of A Strong Butt
There is more to having a nice firm rear than looking good in a tight pair of pants (honestly). The muscles in your buttocks are comprised of the medius, minimus and maximus, and make up one of the bodies largest muscle groups called the Glutteal group. A well toned and strong butt will allow your body to work more efficiently and give vital support to your pelvic girdle. Strong and solid buttocks can also relieve some pressure off your lower back. Strong gluteal muscles will help you maintain good posture and will make tasks such as walking up stairs or heavy lifting easier.

Exercises For A Toned Bum
Your muscles may define the shape of your bum, but it is the amount of fat on your butt that will determine the size of it. You need to target exercises that will reduce your overall body fat if you want to reduce the size of your bum. Cardiovascular exercises such as walking, running, swimming and cycling or all great exercises which will burn body fat, if you do them long enough (at least half an hour) at a good level of intensity. Running up and down stairs is a great way to strengthen your buttocks and burn a lot of body fat at the same time. It would also be a good idea to eat a sensible and well balanced diet that is low in calories and saturated fat.

Strengthening Buttocks With Weight Training
Strength training with weights is a great way to strengthen the buttocks and give your bottom some definition. Here are a few weight lifting exercises that will soon give you those buns of steel

Squats will not only develop your buttocks (glutes), but also your thighs and hips. You need to use a bar with plenty of weight on it., be safe and start with a lighter load and build up steadily. Stand with your feet just wider than shoulder-length apart and place the bar behind your head, resting on your neck and shoulders. Slowly lower your body, bending your legs and keeping your back straight until you reach the squat position, before returning slowly to your starting position. Try and work up to 3 sets of 10-12 squats.

Hold a dumb bell in each hand, down by your sides or you can use a bar held behind your head and resting on your shoulders. Step out (about 2 and a half feet) with your left leg and lower your body to the ground, your left leg should go to a 90 degree angle and your your right knee should almost touch the floor. You should keep your back as straight as possible while doing lunges, now repeat the lunge with the opposite leg. You should aim to increase the weight over time and build up to 3 sets of 10-12 lunges.The decision to concentrate on cardio or strength exercises will depend on whether you want to tone and add shape to your bum or make it smaller. Ideally you should try a combination of strength and cardio exercise. Now I have shown you how to get a great bum, go and kick some ass.
find a nice girl with a great bum. remove bum. congrats, you now have a nice bum.
Reply 2
girl ??
Why would you like to reduce the size of your bum?
Get a road bicycle and get out on the roads and ride. This will no doubt get you a very toned bum as well as legs but also you will lose fat and increase fitness!
reverse hypers

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