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Collaboration Essay - A2 French

I'm writing this essay;

"Dans quelle mesure la collaboration etait-elle justifiable pendant la periode de l'Occupation? Expliquez votr repnse, en vous refrant a des exemples precis de personnalites francaises."

I'm really stuck on what to write, especially for the second half!!

for the first, i thought i would talk about it being justified because Freance thought it would get lots out of collaboration - e.g. end to fighting, equal with Germany in Europe etc. Am i supposed to say why it wasn't justififed??

and also, what on earth should i mention for the seond part (obviously with an essay sich as this, i would integrate the second half in with the first, but I just dont know what to say!)

Thankyou so much :smile:
Reply 1
It was also justifiable to prevent excessive violece/further violence from the Nazis especially those occupying. As well as, as believed at this point, to gaurentee a good place in the New European Order, should Germany win the war..Which it looked like they would at the point

It's probably worth mentioning
Collaboration of the state
Collaborationistes (those actually sympathising with Hitler i.e Laval)
..and the fact most people just 'got on with it' making the best of their situation

Laval is a good person to mention for this essay.

You should mention why it wasn't justified, a mon avis, because it asks to what extent collaboration was justified.
Reply 2
OH and something about the fact that for every 3 workers or something like that (STO prehaps? it escapes me) a Prisoner of war was released...if that , in your opinion, falls under collaboration


