Exam resources

Now I’ve decided to make a small and humble guide to the steps that you should take first before asking/posting for any papers at all.

If you want to get help in any particular subject or talk about particular subjects, please visit this thread which tells you how to get to each subject's forum.

For information about UMS marking and UMS conversion schemes for different exams, please refer to this excellent post here which shows how the UMS gradation system works. For further information about UMS, you can always contact the individual Exam Boards for help.

There is a website, made by a TSR member, which also helps you understand what your grades mean and how they compare to everyone else's grades in the country. This can be found here.

This post is an excellent guide for anyone who is having difficulty revising for their exams and want help on any tips and techniques they may want to learn about.

This programme enables you to calculate your UMS and Raw Marks from data you may have readily available. It is an excellent Calculator, but please note that it will only give you approximations.


Exam Boards' Websites