Personal Statement:Medicine 13


Medicine Personal Statement

Medicine is suited to me because it incorporates both the scientific aspect and the one to one interactions with people, which I enjoy. My A-level choices convey my deep regard for science and language. I gained a great deal from these and through them and have come to understand the importance of independent study and taking responsibility for my learning, to be a vital part of achieving my potential. I am a compassionate person, with a genuine desire to help others and believe Medicine will allow me to incorporate this into my life. Having a realistic appreciation of the physical, academic and emotional demands of the degree programme, has made me carefully consider my motivations for studying Medicine and has only affirmed my resolve to be a doctor

It was two years ago that I was fortunate enough to travel to South East Asia. Whilst there, I took the opportunity to shadow a doctor in the municipality of Kotli, Kashmir, and learn about the perils of administrating Medicine in the third world. I was overwhelmed by the care and dedication given to the patients and their families at the hospital and in the community. It was here that my passion for Medicine was ignited

Subsequently, to increase my knowledge and insight of what a life of Medicine will entail, I undertook work experience in the QMC, and the Nottingham City Hospital. Through these, I have had hands on experience with patients and was able to understand the high level of commitment involved in the profession. I learnt that the patient-doctor relationship is one of trust and being in the medical profession will require a lifetime commitment to further learning, these are all attractive features of the career to me. I enjoy science very much and understand Medicine will allow me to maintain my interests as well as helping me to broaden my knowledge of the subject

I have successfully kept a balance between my academic and non-academic interests by having varied sporting interests, the main one being badminton, though I also play tennis and go to the gym frequently. Also, I am involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award through which, for the last 12 months, I have undertaken charity work at a local youth centre. This involves both group and one-to-one tutoring and has enabled me to gain confidence when working with young children and as a go between with parents. The environment at the centre enables me to develop the skill to make people feel at ease with their surroundings something, which forms an integral part of the patient-doctor relationship. Although this takes a great deal of my time, I am able to effectively manage myself as to learn a new language, Arabic, and develop my other interests such as classical Indian music and cinema, thus, enabling me to open my reach to people

Having joined Millennium Volunteers, I attained the Certificate of Excellence and the MV 100 hours certificate. Being computer literate enabled me to help put together the Millennium Volunteers Regional newsletter. Volunteering has allowed me to reap the rewards of meting new people and new experiences, including working at my local Oxfam shop

Parallel to my studies and other commitments, I work part-time at a late night take-away in the city centre. This has allowed me to converse with a diverse, and sometimes difficult, range of people from many walks of life and thus enabled me to gain experience of society beyond my own immediate environment. My experiences, both in and out of academic study, have developed my interpersonal skills, with the help of which I hope to overcome any difficulties. I am looking forward to studying Medicine in a community of wide ethnic, socio-economic and cultural diversity and believe that I will be able to cope well with any challenges that present themselves

In memory of a lost friend, I orchestrated a highly successful charity day, and was subsequently elected Vice-president of the Student Union

Being in the union has helped me to appreciate the great level of trust and responsibility placed in me by students and the college, it has also allowed me to enhance my organisational, leadership and team skills

I am a mature, capable and committed member of my sixth form and have the ability to listen diligently to people. I believe my interests and talents will add to the vitality of university life, and also make me suitable as a member of the future medical profession. I hope, with the skills I have, and those that I will develop, to be a competent and capable member of the next generation of doctors. I look forward to meeting and overcoming, the challenges of studying Medicine, as well as developing my flair for science and people.


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