If you think your teacher doesn't like you, here's how to make things better

teacher and students in classroom

Having trouble getting along with your teacher? There are many ways to fix the situation – and they don't necessarily involve getting higher grades

It can sometimes seem hard to get along with certain teachers, but don’t feel defeated. In this article we'll share tips from Pete Langley, a former teacher with more than 30 years of experience, who explains some common causes of student/teacher friction along with advice on making things better. 

You might be pleased to know the answer isn't 'get more top grades'. Although it's probably true that, by following the advice in this article, your grades may take a natural boost, getting back in your teacher's good books is more about attitude. 

The more you seem interested and willing to work, the better an impression you’ll create. Keep this in mind and you should have your teacher back on side in no time.

Are you ever late (even just a little bit)?

We’ve all been there. You're hitting snooze on your alarm ("just one more time...") until suddenly you've left yourself with seven minutes to get showered, dressed and out the door.

"No matter how relatable it is, students being late is a big pet peeve for teachers," says Pete. "And being late doesn’t necessarily mean strolling into school halfway through the day.

"Even if you’re only late by a few minutes a couple of times a week, it can still be really disruptive for teachers to have to keep repeating themselves to stragglers at the beginning of a lesson."

What to do about it
This one is all about planning. "Sit down and figure out how long you realistically need for your morning routine in order to leave the house on time," says Pete.

"Then set your alarm accordingly. If there’s anything you can get ready the night before – like packing your bag or making sure you have a clean outfit ready to wear – do it to buy yourself some more time.

"And if your bus or train always gets you to school a little bit late, start catching one that runs early instead."

Students say:

"Set an alarm clock. And don't put it by your bedside, so that when you wake up you stay awake."


Do you get your homework in on time?

Juggling lots of sets of different homework can feel like a real pain, and the temptation to just ignore it until you’re really up against the deadline is very understandable. But this is an easy way to give your teacher the wrong idea about your commitment to the course.

"Handing work in late or sloppily rushing your assignments gives your teacher the impression that you just don’t care," says Pete. "This isn’t going to warm your teacher to you as a student."

What to do about it
Getting stuff done is much easier when you're working to a plan. "Keep track of all your homework," says Pete. 

"Get a decent diary to record what’s due when, and block out the time to get it done properly. Or try using a study planner or homework app to create a timetable."

Students say:

"Try writing out a schedule. Instead of doing homework every day you could dedicate one or two evenings to it a week."


Do you look like you’re interested in class?

If you spend the whole class slumped miserably over your desk, alternating between staring out of the window and at your mobile phone, your teacher is going to notice.

"Acting disengaged and uninterested in the lesson is likely to give your teacher a bad impression, because you’ll seem like you don’t want to learn," says Pete.

What to do about it
Try to look the part. "When you’re in class, sit up in your chair and look like you’re ready to start working," says Pete. "Get your textbook and pens out before the lesson starts so you’re ready to go.

"When the lesson begins, make it obvious that you’re concentrating. Keep eye contact with your teacher and make sure your phone is packed away so you won’t be tempted to keep sneakily checking it every five minutes.

"And if you regularly find yourself drawn into whispered conversations with friends sitting nearby, perhaps consider moving to sit next to someone less likely to distract you.

"You could prove your interest in a subject by doing a bit of reading outside of the lessons. For example, you could take a look at some news websites and see if there’s anything relevant happening that you could mention to your teacher during class."

Students say:

"Sit at the front, answer questions, interact, put your hand up and ask questions."


If you want to, speak to your teacher

Once you’ve figured out what you need to improve, and if you feel confident enough to do it, you might want to speak to your teacher.

"You could let them know that you’re aware you’ve given a bad impression," says Pete. "You can explain that you’re taking steps to fix it and that you’d love feedback on how you’re doing.

"If that feels too scary, don’t worry about it. Make these little adjustments with the aim of being an alert, interested and willing student and your teacher should hopefully take notice by themselves."

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