Best Self-Help Books in 2020

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People teaches you how to attain the goals you really want in life by aligning your moral compass with the "true north" — "the magnetic principle of respect for people and property." Each chapter is based on one of the specific habits that'll lead you or your company to success.

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The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Most people believe that trying to stay positive all the time will help you be happier. For Mark Manson, he says, "f*ck positivity." He wants us to confront our painful truths and embrace our fears. When we can accomplish that, we'll be able to find courage, perseverance, honesty, and more.

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The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

Marie Kondō is a Japanese cleaning consultant who helps people clean and declutter their homes to the point where they won't ever have to do it again. Her category-by-category system will produce lasting results and give you a new, calm, motivated mindset.

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You Are Not A Rock

A prescriptive and positive guide, illustrated with line drawings, making the case that mental well-being, like physical health, can be strengthened over time and with specific techniques.

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The Tao of Pooh

Is there such thing as a Western Taoist? Benjamin Hoff says there is, and this Taoist's favorite food is honey. Through brilliant and witty dialogue with the beloved Pooh-bear and his companions, the author of this smash bestseller explains with ease and aplomb that rather than being a distant and mysterious concept, Taoism is as near and practical to us as our morning breakfast bowl.

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The Secret

"I love The Secret. It’s one of those books that always comes back around. I’ve read it multiple times to give myself a refresher on the principles and practices that it offers. The main gist of the book is that you can have anything you want in life by communicating with the universe and that by acting and believing you already have what you want, the universe will deliver it to you. Sort of like ask, believe, receive.

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Daring Greatly

"If you haven’t heard of Brené Brown yet, you’re seriously missing out on the most authentic ‘how-to’ of ‘self-help’ I’ve ever come across. She’s not just someone who’s telling you how to change your life. She has a PhD in social work, and she does actual research with actual people to see what makes people happy. 

"She has written a number of books (all best-sellers, I might add) on having tough conversations, leading our own lives, being brave, finding worthiness, being imperfect, and so many other fundamental aspects of vulnerability — the key to her teachings.

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You Are A Badass

"I got laid off from my first job out of college. It was a startup, and the company was going under. I went home soon after to get some family time. My mom and I were at Target and saw this book near the register. We both chuckled a bit, but she bought it for me, and I started reading it that night. It was fun, funny, and offered engaging stories that I could relate to. The pages inspired confidence and helped me get to my next step."

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10% Happier

An enormously smart, clear-eyed, brave-hearted, and quite personal look at the benefits of meditation that offers new insights as to how this ancient practice can help modern lives while avoiding the pitfall of cliche. This is a book that will help people, simply put. I know a lot of very powerful, very stressed-out, type-A personalities who will be getting this book from me as a gift this year.

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