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Anglia Ruskin University open days

Open Days at Anglia Ruskin University

Anglia Ruskin university organises a selection of open days for both undergraduates and postgraduate students. By attending an open day you can find out whether it's the right university for you.

When you attend an open day you'll have the chance to tour the campus, meet with staff members and find out more about what you'll learn on your course of choice. You can also talk about entry requirements, finance and accommodation as well as the other student services on offer.

Term Dates

The academic year is divided into Trimesters, with the 2020/21 dates as follows:

  • Trimester 1: 21 September - 11 December 2020

  • Trimester 2: 18 January - 23 April 2021

  • Trimester 3: 10 May - 30 July 2021

    • Saturday 23rd November 2024
    • Undergraduate Open Day - Cambridge, Chelmsford and Peterborough.
    • Undergraduate
    Explore everything ARU has to offer at our undergraduate Open Day. Chat with lecturers and students from your chosen course, attend talks and tours across the university, meet our Students Services teams and of course grab some freebies too! From accommodation to student finance, wellbeing to library services, you can explore it all and get a real feel for life at ARU. Further your prospects with a degree from ARU – it all starts with an Open Day.
    • Saturday 18th January 2025
    • Undergraduate Open Day - Cambridge, Chelmsford and Peterborough.
    • Undergraduate
    Explore everything ARU has to offer at our next undergraduate Open Day. Chat with lecturers and students from your chosen course, attend talks and tours across the university, meet our Students Services teams and of course grab some freebies too! From accommodation to student finance, wellbeing to library services, you can explore it all and get a real feel for life at ARU. Further your prospects with a degree from ARU – it all starts with an Open Day.
    • Saturday 7th June 2025
    • Undergraduate Open Day - Cambridge, Chelmsford and Peterborough.
    • Undergraduate
    Explore everything ARU has to offer at our undergraduate Open Day. Chat with lecturers and students from your chosen course, attend talks and tours across the university, meet our Students Services teams and of course grab some freebies too! From accommodation to student finance, wellbeing to library services, you can explore it all and get a real feel for life at ARU. Further your prospects with a degree from ARU – it all starts with an Open Day.

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