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Open Days at University of Groningen

The only way to find out whether Groningen is the right university for you is by visiting it! An open day enables you to tour the campus, meet with students and find out what exactly you'll be studying. It can also alleviate any worries that you may have about studying abroad.

For information on open day dates, check out Groningen's website. Specific postgraduate open days also take place in March and November each year.

Term Dates

The year is divided into four teaching blocks which consist of lectures and workshops followed by a period of examinations. The dates for the 2014/15 year are as follows:

  • Block 1: 1 September 7 November 2014
  • Block 2: 10 November 2014 30 January 2015
  • Block 3: 2 February 24 April 2015
  • Block 4: 13 April 10 July 2015

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