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STEP maths I, II, III 1990 solutions

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Hmm im sensing some kind of substitution. So you have them both in terms of two variables but i havent a bloody clue what to substitute.
Reply 41
They can be manipulated to:
[xe^(2t)]' = 5ye^(2t)
[ye^(-2t)]' = (2cost - x)e^(-2t)

So by integrating the second and substituting you can remove y, but I'm not sure the equations you get are useable :/
Reply 42
I may as well write up my solution to STEP III, Q1.


Reply 43
I= (2/3)Ma^2 + 2Ma^2 + 12Ma^2= (44/3)Ma^2
angular momentum= 6aMV(2^0.5)
using L=I(angular velo.)
initial angular velocity= 9(2^0.5)V/(22a)

KE= 0.5I(angular velo.)^2=(22Ma^2/3)((2x81)V^2/(22^2 a^2))= 54MV^2/22
GPE at highest point= 7Mg.2(2^0.5)a= 14Mag(2^0.5)
(27/11)MV^2 > 14Mag(2^0.5)

V^2 > (154/27)ag(2^0.5)
Reply 44
thanks for the rep speleo! Im 1 point off getting my 3rd gem now :biggrin:
1987 III/6

dxdt+2x5y=0\frac{dx}{dt} + 2x - 5y = 0
dydt+x2y=2cost\frac{dy}{dt} + x - 2y = 2\cos t

at t=0;x=0,dydt=0t=0; x=0, \frac{dy}{dt}=0

Can anyone get me started?
Rewrite it as the equation v˙+Av=f\dot{\bf v} + A{\bf v} = {\bf f}, where v=(x,y){\bf v} = (x, y) and f=(0,2cost){\bf f} = (0, 2\cos t). You should be able to do something useful with the eigenvalues / eigenvectors of A. (You might need to do a little 'fiddling' to get it to work, but once you have the idea, it should be OK).
Reply 46
Thanks, I'll try that now.
Thanks, I'll try that now.
Sorry, but having tried it, I don't think it works very well. (The matrix doesn't have real eigenvectors, so it's going to get real painful, real fast).

So, differentiate the first equation to get x+2x5y=0x''+2x'-5y' = 0, then use both the original equations to write y' in terms of x, x' and cos t. You then have a 2nd order linear equation for x.
Reply 48
Haha, yeah I just did that and found out about the imaginary eigenvalues/complex eigenvectors, don't worry I didn't spend long trying to get that approach to work :wink:

Your new method seems to work great (haven't completed it yet but I've got to the 2nd order de in x). Thanks :smile:
I wouldn't be at all surprised if something very similar to this came up in STEP III this year.
Reply 49
Ack, I ruined the ending for myself by accident :frown:
Should have known better than to come here!
Oh well, least I know how to do it.
Reply 50

Line segments:

1: 1 line segment.
2: 4 line segments.
3: 9 line segments.
4: 16 line segments.

So it is reasonable to suppose that n lines are split into n^2 line segments.

Each new line that we introduce splits every existing line into one more piece, and is itself intersected into as many parts as there are lines after it has been added.

So the number of line segments for n lines is 1 + (1 + 2) + (2 + 3) + ... + (n - 1 + n) = 1 + 3 + 5 + ... + 2n - 1.

k=1n(2k1)=n(n+1)n=n2\sum_{k=1}^n (2k - 1) = n(n+1) - n = n^2



Each new line cuts the existing n - 1 lines in n - 1 places, creating n new regions.

One region exists to begin with.

So the number of planes for n lines is 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + n

1 + k=1nk=n(n+1)/2=(n2+n)/2=(n2+n+2)/2\sum_{k=1}^n k = n(n+1)/2 = (n^2+n)/2 = (n^2 + n + 2)/2 as required.

Reply 51

i) c(b - 2) >= 0 (obviously true since b and c are >= 2).

Expanding: bc - 2c >= 0.

Rearranging: bc >= 2c.


c >= 2.

Add c to both sides: 2c >= 2 + c.


ii) a(d + 1) <= c(b - 1) (true since d + 1 <= c and a <= b - 1).

Expanding: ad + a <= bc - c.

Rearranging: bc - ad >= a + c.


iii) a/b < p < c/d implies that a < bp and dp < c.

a(dp + 1) <= c(bp - 1) (true since dp + 1 <= c and a <= bp - 1).

Expanding: adp + a <= bcp - c.

Rearranging: p(bc - ad) >= a + c.


iv) a(dp + 1) <= c(bp - 1) (true since aq <= (bp - 1) and (dp + 1) <= cq, multiplying gives aq(dp + 1) <= cq(bp - 1), and cancelling gives this.)

Expanding: adp + a <= bcp - c.

Rearranging: p >= (a + c)/(bc - ad).


qbc - qad >= b + d

d(qa + 1) <= b(qc - 1) (true since qc - 1 >= dp and bp >= qa + 1, multiplying gives bp(qc - 1) >= dp(qa + 1), and cancelling gives this).

Expanding: qbc - qad >= b + d

Rearranging: q >= (b + d)/(bc - ad).


p >= 17, q >= 19.

17/19 is the only fraction with a denominator less than 20 which is between 8/9 and 9/10.
Reply 52

i) OA = m(a^3 i + a^2 j + ak)

BC = b^3 i + b^2 j + bk + n[(c^3 - b^3)i + (c^2 - b^2)j + (c - b)k]

For an intersection:

b^3 + n(c^3 - b^3) = a^3. --- (1)
b^2 + n(c^2 - b^2) = a^2. --- (2)
b + n(c - b) = a. --- (3)

Sub (3) in (2):

b^2 + n(c^2 - b^2) = [b + n(c - b)]^2 = b^2 + 2bn(c - b) + n^2.(c - b)^2.

c^2 - b^2 = 2b(c - b) + n(c - b)^2.

(c + b)(c - b) - 2b(c - b) - n(c - b)^2 = 0.

(c - b)[c + b - 2b - n(c - b)] = 0.

(c - b)[c - b - n(c - b)] = 0.

(c - b)(c - b)(1 - n) = 0.

But c =/= b, so n = 1 (if they intersect).

Sub in (3):

b + c - b = a.

c = a.

But c =/= a, so the lines don't intersect.


ii) cos(AOB) = a.b/|a||b| = [(ab)^3 + (ab)^2 + ab]/root(a^6 + a^4 + a^2).root(b^6 + b^4 + b^2)

= [(ab)^3 + (ab)^2 + ab]/ab.root[(a^4 + a^2 + 1)(b^4 + b^2 + 1)]

= [(ab)^2 + ab + 1]/root[(a^4 + a^2 + 1)(b^4 + b^2 + 1)].

= 3/root(a^4.b^4 + a^4.b^2 + a^4 + a^2.b^4 + a^2.b^2 + a^2 + b^4 + b^2 + 1)

= 3/root(3 + a^2 + a^4 + b^2 + a^2 + b^4 + b^2)

= 3/root(a^4 + b^4 + 2a^2 + 2b^2 + 3)

Since a and b are variable, we can make a (or b) as large as we like, so the denominator can approach infinity. So cos(AOB) can be made arbitrarily close to 0. Values of a and b very close to 1 (but not equal to 1 since a and b are distinct) give cos(AOB) arbitrarily close to 1. It is not possible for a sum of squares (+3) to be negative, so cos(AOB) > 0, outruling pi/2 < AOB < pi.

Hence 0 < cos(AOB) < 1, and so 0 < AOB < pi/2.

Reply 53
III 11)
total moment of intertia= m(k^2 + r^2)

i) conservation of angular momentum:
w= omega(k^2 + a^2)/(k^2+r^2)

force acting on bead= mrw^2
dv/dt= v dv/dr= rw^2
=r(omega)^2(k^2+a^2)^2/(k^2+r^2)^2 = rk^2V^2(k^2+a^2)/(a^2(k^2+r^2)^2)

0.5v^2= -k^2V^2(k^2+a^2)/(2a^2(k^2+r^2)) +c
when r=a, v=V
v= dr/dt= -( V^2 +(kV/a)^2- (kV)^2(k^2+a^2)/(a^2(k^2+r^2)))^0.5
= -(omega)r(k^2+a^2)/(k(k^2+r^2)^0.5) (by substittion of given equation)

w= d(theta)/dt= omega(k^2+a^2)/(k^2+r^2)

dr/d(theta)= (dr/dt) /(dtheta/dt)= -r(k^2+r^2)^0.5/k

INT -k/(r(k^2+r^2)^0.5) dr =INT 1 dtheta
INT ((1/k^2) +u^2)^(-0.5) du= theta + a where a is a constant
=> arsinh(ku)= theta+ a
ku= k/r= sinh(theta +a)
=> k= rsinh(theta+a)
Reply 54

8)i) (1 and 0)INT x(t)y(t)dt= INT x'(t)x(t) dt= (0.5(x(t))^2)(bet 1 and 0)
=0.5((x(1))^2- (x(0))^2)= 0.5((x(1))^2
^ x(0)= (bet 0 and 0)INT y(t) dt= 0

INT y'' +(y^2 -1)y' +y= y' +y^3/3- y + x=0

y(0)=y(1) and y'(0)=y'(1)

apply y(0) and y(1) to above equation and minus one from the other.
=> x(1)-x(0)=0

ii)(bet 1 and 0) INT x(x''' +((x')^2-1)x''- x') dt=0
dv/dt= x''' +((x')^2-1)x''- x'
v= (x''- x + (x')^3/3- x')

(bet 1 and 0)(x(t)(x''- x + (x')^3/3- x')- INT x'(t)(x''- x + (x')^3/3- x')dt)=0
x(0)=x(1)=0 ,so:
=> (bet 1 and 0)INT x'(x''-1) -(x')^2 + (x')^4/3 dt=0

=>(bet 1 and 0)(0.5(x')^2 - x)= (bet 1 and 0)INT (x')^2- ((x')^4)/3 dt= INT y^2 - (y^4)/3 dt

0.5(x')^2 -x y(0)=y(1) so x'(0)=x'(1) and x(0)=x(1)=0
so LHS integral summation equals 0
=> (bet 1 and 0) INTy^2- (y^4)/3 dt
=>(0->1)INT y^2= (1/3) (0->1)INT y^4 dt
Reply 55


Reply 56

i) Given:

(1): aa=ea*a = e
(2): bb=eb*b = e
(3): abab=ea*b*a*b = e.

From (1) and (2), by mutliplying by a1a^{-1} and b1b^{-1}, respectively, it follows

(4) a=a1a = a^{-1}
(5) b=b1b = b^{-1}.

Multiplying (3) by a1a^{-1} from the left and b1b^{-1} from the right, we have

ba=a1b1b*a = a^{-1}*b^{-1}

and then subbing in (4) and (5) into RHS gives

ba=abb*a = a*b

as required.

Assume that the orders of cdc*d and dcd*c are nn and mm, respectively.


(1) cdcdcdn=e\displaystyle \underbrace{c*d*c*d*\cdots*c*d}_{n} = e

Multiplying by c1c^{-1} from the left and by cc from the right gives

dcdcdcn=c1c\displaystyle \underbrace{d*c*d*c*\cdots*d*c}_{n} = c^{-1}*c

dcdcdcn=e\displaystyle \underbrace{d*c*d*c\cdots*d*c}_n = e

(dc)n=e\displaystyle (d*c)^{n} = e

from which it follows that


But by using the exact same argument, only swapping c and d, we get that


from which it follows that

n=mn = m

as required.



(1) c1bc=brc^{-1}*b*c = b^r

First part: Induction on s:


(2) c1bsc=bsrc^{-1} * b^s * c = b^{sr}

The case s = 1 is merely the given (1).

Assume (2) is true for s = k, i.e.

c1bkc=bkrc^{-1} * b^{k} * c = b^{kr}

Left multiplying by (1):

c1bcc1bkc=brbkrc^{-1}*b*c*c^{-1}*b^{k}*c = b^r*b^{kr}

c1bk+1c=b(k+1)rc^{-1}*b^{k+1}*c = b^{(k+1)r}

i.e. the statement is true for s = k + 1 as well, and thus is true by induction for all natural s. By instead using induction backwards, multiplying by c1b1c=brc^{-1} * b^{-1} * c = b^{-r} (c1b1cc^{-1} * b^{-1} * c is the inverse of c1bcc^{-1} * b * c), we can show it to be true for all integers s.

Second part:

Known (from the last part): For any integer m,

(1) c1bmc=bmrc^{-1} * b^m * c = b^{mr}

Now use induction on n:


cnbscn=bsrnc^{-n} * b^s * c^n = b^{sr^n}

Assume true for n = k:

ckbsck=bsrkc^{-k} * b^s * c^k = b^{sr^k}

Now let m=srkm = sr^k and (using (1)):

c(k+1)bsck+1c^{-(k+1)}*b^s * c^{k+1}

=c1ckbsckc= c^{-1}*c^{-k} * b^s * c^k * c

=c1bmc= c^{-1}*b^m * c

=bmr= b^{mr}

=bsrk+1= b^{sr^{k+1}}

which proves the statements is true for n = k + 1 as well, and by induction blah blah..., as required.
Reply 57


Reply 58


I've attempted this, but I'm crap at graph sketching and I'm not confident about part ii, so where I'm talking crap, just correct it:wink:.

STEP I Question 5

i) 1316x2+19x+15dx=1(3x+5)(2x+3)dx\displaystyle\int_1^3\frac{1}{6x^2+19x+15}dx= \displaystyle\int\frac{1}{(3x+5)(2x+3)}dx Do partial fractions on that so we have A3x+5+B2x+3\frac{A}{3x+5}+\frac{B}{2x+3}
Comparing coefficients
A(2x+3)+B(3x+5)=12A+3B=03A+5B=1A=32B92B+5B=1so,B=2,A=3A(2x+3)+B(3x+5)=1 \newline 2A+3B=0 \newline 3A+5B=1 \newline A=-\frac{3}{2}B \newline -\frac{9}{2}B+5B=1 \text{so,}B=2, A=-3
This leaves us with 2(2x+3)dx+3(3x+5)dx\displaystyle\int\frac{2}{(2x+3)}dx + \displaystyle\int -\frac{3}{(3x+5)}dx This integrates to ln2x+3ln3x+5+c=ln2x+33x+5\ln|2x+3|-\ln|3x+5|+c=\ln|\frac{2x+3}{3x+5}| Applying the limits we have: ln914ln58=ln3635\ln|\frac{9}{14}|-ln|\frac{5}{8}|=\ln|\frac{36}{35}|


We have f(x)=x1760x220+qf(x)=x^{1760}-x^{220}+q, because it has even powers the x^{1760} and x^{220} will always be positive.This means negative values and positive values of x behave in the same way (so how the function looks to the left of the y-axis is described by a mirroring in the y-axis of how it looks to the right of the y-axis).

Now we can consider three intervals:
i) |x|>1
x1760x220x^{1760}-x^{220} will always be positive and graphically the function will be increasing very rapidly. The equation x1760x220+q=0x^{1760}-x^{220}+q=0 can at most have one solution, for a suitably negative choice of q in this interval.

ii) |x|=1 and |x|=0
At these two points the value of f(x) is entirely dependant on q. If q=0 with these choices of |x| we can have f(x)=0.

iii) |x|<1
Here x1760x220x^{1760}-x^{220} will be negative, and therefore a root will exist if q is positive.

Because the three intervals require different types of values of q we can see that there exists at most of root of the equation f(x)=0.

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