My school management have decided in their wisdom that the current year
11 should be entered for English GCSE in November's exams, under a
different exam board than we have previously used, to motivate them to
try harder in the June exams, which will be the same exam board they
have studied for all year.
As both exam boards require fairly different styles of coursework, we
doubt the success of this venture, but have been assured by management
that this is common practice elsewhere. Does anyone on this forum enter
year 11 for early examinations in a mainstream subject (ie not languages
spoken at home, etc?)? If you do, does it work out? What are your
opinions on it?
I'd be really grateful to hear about experience of early exam entry -
and no, I'm not just looking for negative anecdotes!
Thanks in advance!
Liz: 'We need more intellectual discussion. Like about
Egyptian mummies."