The Student Room Group
Reply 1
under 18 = free
else i think it's about £200...
Reply 2
Over 18, so not free. I thought it cost 3-4kish
Reply 3
Yes, it does cost thousands of pounds. You also have to pay a £60 fee at the beginning. This is for those aged 18 and above, otherwise it is free.
Reply 4
Thousands! :eek:

I have a retainer brace that I'll probably have to keep wearing for another few months, with regular six week checkups where he tightens it up. How much will they cost me now I'm 18? :confused:
Reply 5
Cheapest I *think* is £3-4K, possibly £2K.
Over 18, so not free. I thought it cost 3-4kish

its not that expensive i dont think....however they have different price plans for people also they take into consideration how long your treatment shall be xoxo
Reply 7
If you can afford it, go for 'invisalign'

thats what I did, takes half the time, and nobody even knows you've got them on.

They were brilliant, highlt recommended

nb. when I did it they cost £300 more than normal braces and that was about £3500 overall I think.

I was always going to go private as I didn't want to be constantly missing lessons at school as everyone seems to have to do on the NHS
Reply 8
i thought u didnt have to pay if u were in fulltime education regardless of ur age??
i thought u didnt have to pay if u were in fulltime education regardless of ur age??

Its up to the age of 19 and in full time education you don't have to pay, I have been 18 since november but because I am still at 6th form studying a-levels I havn't had to pay for anything at all so far. I'm not sure what will happen when I go to uni though, I hope they don't start charging me laods for checkups and repairs etc!
Reply 10
yeah going to uni sucks with helath care in general, all your life you havn't had to pay, but now, well eyes are the worst, i smashed my glasses at a concert,


not including frames :eek:
so glad i got mine off before i was 18!
are you not in education at all? I'm sure if you're at uni/whatever there are forms that can at least get you some discount dental care.

i'm pretty sure there is a formwhich entitiles you to cheaper healthcare as a uni student
i'm pretty sure there is a formwhich entitiles you to cheaper healthcare as a uni student

yea i have got one of those forms somewhere, just another thing to sort out about uni soooo many forms!
I think you only have to be under 18/19 and in full time education when the treatment starts. Once you've started getting it free, it's always free. They don't suddenly start charging you halfway through.