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Female orgasms..possible?

I don't doubt that many women do 'come'/'cum' whilst having sex. However, many women don't. Just wondering if anyone knows why. I don't think I have before and I was also wondering how to make it possible? Is the feeling really like nothing else, because if so then I havn't. Just wondering if it could've possibly happened without me recognising it as an orgasm..

I know men need to come, they're designed that way to reproduce.. but it's not fair how they can a Lot easier than females. Anyone feel the frustration as well? :redface:

Anyone reading this also had difficulty coming but has found a solution?

Thanks. :rolleyes:

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Reply 1
Many women can't orgasm without clitoral stimulation. So try positions that involve more of that/using fingers as well
I don't doubt that many women do 'come'/'cum' whilst having sex. However, many women don't. Just wondering if anyone knows why. I don't think I have before and I was also wondering how to make it possible? Is the feeling really like nothing else, because if so then I havn't. Just wondering if it could've possibly happened without me recognising it as an orgasm..

I know men need to come, they're designed that way to reproduce.. but it's not fair how they can a Lot easier than females. Anyone feel the frustration as well? :redface:

Anyone reading this also had difficulty coming but has found a solution?

Thanks. :rolleyes:

A majority of women need clitoral stimulation (rather than just sex itself) to have an orgasm. Not sure exactly why that is.. but it's true. As for not knowing whether you've had one, by all accounts you will know when you have an orgasm. Men might be able to orgasm more easily but apparently females do have it better when they actually do. (Then there's the whole multiple-orgasm caboodle).
Many women are very sensitive to be touched at certain parts of the body, some more than others.

I guess the reason why most women need clitoral orgasm before the vaginal orgams is because the insertion of the penis into a vagina when it's still dry can be rather painful, and i think apart from the pleasure of clitoral orgasm, it's also the fact that it's needed to make her "wet" for lubrication, which is important to reduce the pain so the pleasure can be enhanced to prepare for the vaginal

besides, even though the clitoral orgasm can be nice, the vaginal one, in my opinion, is still the more breath-taking one. :redface:
Reply 4
The best way to do it is to practise on your own. Take time to explore your body and find out what turns you on, then you'll be able to show your boyfriend next time you're in bed. Maybe try some lube, the right amount of friction is crucial (too little and there won't be an effect but too much HURTS!).

If you're feeling stressed or pressured it can be a lot harder, so take time to relax together instead of just rushing straight into it.

If you want to try and learn straight away with your boyfriend, just have a whole lot of foreplay, really wind each other up. Focus on clitoral stimulation, and touching and kissing, try to go as long as possible without penetration and it'll be a whole lot better when it actually happens.

Good luck, it may seem like a lot of hassle but it is so worth it :wink:
skevvybritt x
Reply 5

besides, even though the clitoral orgasm can be nice, the intercourse one, in my opinion, is still the more breath-taking one. :redface:

Is that what can cause a vaginal orgasm then?
Is that what can cause a vaginal orgasm then?

put all my intercourse orgasm into vaginal orgasm.

that was what i meant. :redface:
It also takes more time (about 10 minutes more) for a woman to be fully aroused and the fact that she might not be can contribute to her inability to orgasm.

Moral of the story: more foreplay :biggrin:
Reply 8
mmmmm foreplay
the first time i did it with my bf, we had some problems with our "interactions" with each other and it wasn't the greatest sex ever. in fact, we both admitted it was embarrassingly bad.

it takes a bit of time and practice for two people to be able to coordinate well with each other for better sex and pleasure. each person has a slightly different approach and technique. it's important to listen to your partner, and to tell your partner what stimulates you more. only through good communication and practice can the two achieve more pleasurable sex. :smile:
Reply 10
A majority of women need clitoral stimulation (rather than just sex itself) to have an orgasm. Not sure exactly why that is.. but it's true. As for not knowing whether you've had one, by all accounts you will know when you have an orgasm. Men might be able to orgasm more easily but apparently females do have it better when they actually do. (Then there's the whole multiple-orgasm caboodle).

Meh, it's down to anatomy really. The female erectile tissue (i.e. the stuff that responds in the same way as the penis to stimulation) is in the clitoris, not the vagina. There is, of course, the mythical G-spot, but as eurasianfeline says, sex when you're not already lubricated is going to be quite painful and you're less likely to orgasm.

Really, it's all about being relaxed and seeing what works for you. It may not be easy but it will be worth it.
Reply 11
Meh, it's down to anatomy really. The female erectile tissue (i.e. the stuff that responds in the same way as the penis to stimulation) is in the clitoris, not the vagina. There is, of course, the mythical G-spot, but as eurasianfeline says, sex when you're not already lubricated is going to be quite painful and you're less likely to orgasm.

Really, it's all about being relaxed and seeing what works for you. It may not be easy but it will be worth it.
Mythical? :wink: :p:
Reply 12
There is, of course, the mythical G-spot...

i could offer some anecdotal evidence in its support.. :p:

anyway, pixie_eyes - yes, you definitely will know when it happens.. people said that to me & i didn't understand what they meant (& then suddenly, i did!).

it's all about finding what works for you - as so many other people have said.. & i generally tend to think woman are perhaps more emotional creatures - so if we're talking about orgasms with men then the context of the relationship and event may be a fairly significant factor.
Reply 13
really wind each other up.

No no no no no no no no no no no, dont wind each other up, if you do he will never last long enough!!!
Reply 14
It's not something yuou stumble across or find out by mistake, you have to work at it :smile:. Just go with what feels nice and it'll get nicer.. and nicer.. and nicer.. and then you'll understand :wink:
Reply 15
No no no no no no no no no no no, dont wind each other up, if you do he will never last long enough!!!

I think it's best to go for a clitoral orgasm first... don't you? :rolleyes:
Vaginal can be so much more difficult.
Reply 16
Mythical? :wink: :p:

Well, anatomical evidence of its existence is debateable, though there's plenty of anecdotal (not personally though, therefore I'm unconvinced). Whether some women have them and some don't, or whether some just haven't got it to work yet, is another unresolved matter.
Reply 17
Well, anatomical evidence of its existence is debateable, though there's plenty of anecdotal (not personally though, therefore I'm unconvinced). Whether some women have them and some don't, or whether some just haven't got it to work yet, is another unresolved matter.

Meh, I only found it (well I didn't, I don't think I'd physically be able to.. er.. access it) a few weeks ago!
Reply 18
I think it's best to go for a clitoral orgasm first... don't you? :rolleyes:
Vaginal can be so much more difficult.

Lol! Maybe I should read better! :biggrin:
Meh, it's down to anatomy really. The female erectile tissue (i.e. the stuff that responds in the same way as the penis to stimulation) is in the clitoris, not the vagina. There is, of course, the mythical G-spot, but as eurasianfeline says, sex when you're not already lubricated is going to be quite painful and you're less likely to orgasm.

Really, it's all about being relaxed and seeing what works for you. It may not be easy but it will be worth it.

not mythical. :rolleyes: in fact i was reading on a sex article the other day and it specified the locations of the vaginal & guys' G-spots ( says guys too have G-spots)...except i still don't really understand where they are exactly cos it's a chinese article and i don't really know the chinese terms for the anatomy. :redface:

but with experiments and practice. the pleasure will grow. :p:

speaking of which...i still remember the last sex i had. it was honestly the best sex EVER.

now i can't wait for the next time. :biggrin: