The Student Room Group

Why are so many weight threads?

If you want to lose weight, do some research. Research on cutting diets, ie. the main aim is to lose body fat, not water, muscle, etc. It's not easy, but if you want it, you'll get it.

It's not really that hard when you put your mind to it. If you want it bad enough, you'll go for it.

If you can't handle the cravings, then don't complain when your clothes feel tight.

Like school, keeping you diet in check and keeping disciplined is hard, but in the end, it'll be worth it.
Reply 1
i did some research actually., it said to have a gud diet and burn off calories more then you eat. also trying to lose fat off thighs by exercising the thighs is pointless, you lose fat evenly off your body, so if you stick to diet and burn of calories by exercising often then it will be beneficial in the long run.
Reply 2
there should be more fitness (bodybuilding type) threads i think
Reply 3
People are weight conscious?

or, y' happy.


i lose weight when i'm happy.

Reply 5
No Future
People are weight conscious?

well ive been eating pizza, crisps and ready meals and i wanna lose some of that
Reply 6
Presumably there are loads around at the moment because it's the run up to summer, everyone wants to wear hotpants a bikinis.
Reply 7
No Future
People are weight conscious?

^^^ Yep, and also looking for support from others who are doing the same.
Reply 8
we are all fat tarts
Reply 9
Diet & Exercise is the key !
Time & Time again i say it !
Because the media puts people under constand pressure to be perfect.
Reply 11
If you want to lose weight, do some research. Research on cutting diets, ie. the main aim is to lose body fat, not water, muscle, etc. It's not easy, but if you want it, you'll get it.

It's not really that hard when you put your mind to it. If you want it bad enough, you'll go for it.

If you can't handle the cravings, then don't complain when your clothes feel tight.

Like school, keeping you diet in check and keeping disciplined is hard, but in the end, it'll be worth it.

Yeah, I hate it when I see people complaining about how fat they are when they cannot be bothered about doing enough about it.
People try to lose weight with those stupid diets people such as Carol Vordman write books about when really they should just do:
- Don't eat loads of the same food
- Take multivitamins
- Do cardio
- Use more calories than what you're taking in.

I don't think any diet which states cardio isn't required is lame. To lose weight you must be using more calories than what you're taking in.

For more information on this go to and read each of "How Calories Work", "How Fats Work" and "How Dieting Works". They're all great and tell the truth.
Reply 12

i lose weight when i'm happy.


I'm happy when i lose weight :biggrin: :biggrin:
I'm happy when i lose weight
Like, duh! :P