sample of cooper contains 63CU & 65Cu. relative atomic mass less than 64. mass spectrum shows major peaks with m/z values of 63 and 65.
(i) explain why Ar of this sample less than 64
(ii) explain how cu atoms converted into Cu+ ions in mass spec?
in addition to major peaks at m/z 63 and 65, much smaller peaks at m/z 31.5 and 32.5 are present on spectrum. identify the ion responsible for the peak at m/z 31.5, explain why your chosen ion has this m/z value and one reason why peak is small.
(iii) Identify The ion.........?
Explanation of m/z value....?
Reason why peak is small?
(6 marks)
im stuck on this question from jan 2005 paper
can neone help me