The Student Room Group


What are phobias?

A phobia is an excessive or unreasonable fear of an object, place or situation. Simple phobias are fears of specific things such as insects, infections, flying. Phobias are extremely common. Sometimes they start in childhood for no apparent reason; sometimes they emerge after a traumatic event; and sometimes the develop from an attempt to make sense of an unexpected and intense anxiety or panic (e.g. "I feel fearful, therefore I must be afraid of something"). The physical symptoms of anxiety may include a racing heart, shortness of breath, sweating, chest or abdominal discomfort, trembling, etc. and the emotional component involves an intense fear - of losing control, embarrassing oneself, or passing out.

*Source :*

Here's a list of some phobias:

Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing
Aerophobia- Fear of swallowing air
Ambulophobia- Fear of walking
Anablephobia- Fear of looking up
Anemophobia- Fear of wind
Anthrophobia- Fear of flowers
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Arithmophobia- Fear of numbers
Aulophobia- Fear of flutes
Auroraphobia- Fear of Northern Lights
Barophobia- Fear of gravity
Basophobia- Fear of walking
Batophobia- Fear of being close to high buildings
Bibliophobia- Fear of books
Blennophobia- Fear of slime
Bogyphobia- Fear of the bogeyman
Cathisophobia- Fear of sitting
Catoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors
Chaetophobia- Fear of hair
Chionophobia- Fear of snow
Chromatophobia- Fear of colors
Chronophobia- Fear of time
Chronomentrophobia- Fear of clocks
Cibophobia- Fear of food
Clinophobia- Fear of going to bed
Cnidophobia- Fear of string
Deciophobia- Fear of making decisions
Dendrophobia- Fear of trees
Dextrophobia- Fear of objects at the right side of the body
Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of school
Eisoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors
Eleutherophobia- Fear of freedom
Eosophobia- Fear of daylight
Epistemophobia- Fear of knowledge
Ergophobia- Fear of work
Ereuthophobia- Fear of the color red
Geliophobia- Fear of laughter
Geniophobia- Fear of chins
Genuphobia- Fear of knees
Geumaphobia- Fear of taste
Gnosiophobia- Fear of knowledge
Graphophobia- Fear of writing
Heliophobia- Fear of the sun
Helmintophobia- Fear of being infested with worms
Hemophobia- Fear of blood
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words
Homichlophobia- Fear of fog
Hypnophobia- Fear of sleep
Ichthyophobia- Fear of fish
Ideophobia- Fear of ideas
Kainophobia- Fear of anything new
Kathisophobia- Fear of sitting down
Lachanophobia- Fear of vegetables
Leukophobia- Fear of the color white
Levophobia- Fear of objects to the left side of the body
Linonophobia- Fear of string
Logophobia- Fear of words
Melanophobia- Fear of the color black
Melophobia- Fear of music
Metrophobia- Fear of poetry
Mnemophobia- Fear of memories
Mottephobia- Fear of moths
Nebulaphobia- Fear of fog
Neophobia- Fear of anything new
Nephophobia- Fear of clouds
Nomatophobia- Fear of names
Octophobia- Fear of the number 8
Ommetaphobia- Fear of eyes
Oneirophobia- Fear of dreams
Ophthalmophobia- Fear of opening one’s eyes
Ostraconophobia- Fear of shellfish
Panophobia- Fear of everything
Papyrophobia- Fear of paper
Paraskavedekatriaphobia- Fear of Friday the 13th
Peladophobia- Fear of bald people
Phengophobia- Fear of daylight
Phobophobia- Fear of fear
Photophobia- Fear of light
Phronemophobia- Fear of thinking
Pogonophobia- Fear of beards
Sciophobia- Fear of shadows
Scolionophobia- Fear of school
Selenophobia- Fear of the moon
Siderophobia- Fear of stars
Sitophobia- Fear of food
Sophophobia- Fear of learning
Stasibasiphobia- Fear of walking
Thaasophobia- Fear of sitting
Trichopathophobia- Fear of hair
Triskadekaphobia- Fear of the number 13
Verbophobia- Fear of words
Xanthophobia- Fear of the color yellow


- Do you have a phobia?
- How do you think a person can be cured from a phobia?

Physics Lover

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Reply 1
I think you can only really cure yourself from things like that. People often need the help of a psychologist to do that but it really just comes down to readjusting your behaviours so that you have 'normal' responses to the object you are fearful of. It's all about will power I think.
Reply 2
Physics lover

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words

Physics Lover

was the person who made this up trying to be funny?
Reply 3
I have a phobia of spiders (but then a lot of people have that) and a phobia of public speaking.

I'm currently trying to cure both of them by exposure. They're better than they were - but you wouldn't get me running a school assembly or picking up a tarantula.
Reply 4
Physics lover

Selenophobia- Fear of the moon

Or alternatively, fear of me

Oh dear. That really wasn't funny.
I have a phobia of spiders (but then a lot of people have that) and a phobia of public speaking.

I'm currently trying to cure both of them by exposure. They're better than they were - but you wouldn't get me running a school assembly or picking up a tarantula.

I would warrant that you don't have a phobia of public speaking, you are simply afraid of making an arse of yourself...
many people have this fear, and it isn't unwarranted. (whereas fear of spiders in this country IS totally unfounded)
Reply 6
I have a terrible phobia of needles and injections. Started 5 years ago when I had my TB injection. I know everyone went through the same, but mine was so painful, I hated it. It's quite a bad phobia as I'm put off going on holiday to places needing injections. I have needed a tetanus jab for 3 years. I also need 3 injections and a blood test to apply for dentistry. I realise this phobia is somewhat dangerous too.
If i went in to have an injection, I would eventually have it i'm sure, but with a lot of hassle. What can I do? Anyone got the same? Im not afraid of seeing or touching needles or anything like that, just injection and fluid going into my muscle/vein. :frown:
Reply 7
I would warrant that you don't have a phobia of public speaking, you are simply afraid of making an arse of yourself...
many people have this fear, and it isn't unwarranted. (whereas fear of spiders in this country IS totally unfounded)

Lol, well, I suppose making an arse of myself is partly of what I'm afraid of. I tend to have panick attacks about speaking in public, whereas my fear of spiders is easier to control. I suppose technically it's not a phobia, but it's the easiest way to explain to people that I don't like standing up and talking.
Lol, well, I suppose making an arse of myself is partly of what I'm afraid of. I tend to have panick attacks about speaking in public, whereas my fear of spiders is easier to control. I suppose technically it's not a phobia, but it's the easiest way to explain to people that I don't like standing up and talking.

mmm, that more 'scoial anxiety disorder' than phobia.
I have acrophobia (fear of heights). Just by standing on a table and looking down, i already get scared and weak on the knees. I've been pushing myself to overcome this fear.
PHOBIA THREADS PHOBIA - Im scared of threads talking about phobias
I'd just like to say that a person with a fear of spiders cannot be cured by flinging spiders at them whenever the opurtunity arises.



Dioduchophobia (which you havent included :frown: )
Perhaps this list would cover more phobia's?
Perhaps this list would cover more phobia's?

yup cool, but it doesn't cover dioduchophobia :p:
yup cool, but it doesn't cover dioduchophobia :p:

gosh you're a picky little one aren't you? :rolleyes:

*runs off to hunt for a better list*
i have Mycophobia. :biggrin: :eek:
Reply 17
Robber's ghost
I'd just like to say that a person with a fear of spiders cannot be cured by flinging spiders at them whenever the opurtunity arises.


but it's hilariously funny. i dislike spiders and creepy crawlies because they're ugly and i dont like ugly things. people have really stupid phobias. like phobia of cotton wool.

i cant believe people are scared of daylight or the sun or the colour yellow or flutes. that's just ridiculous.

are people really scared of heights or is it the falling off and going splat that they're scared of? i live on the third floor and regularly sit on my "balcony" with my legs hanging over the edge. it's nice in the sunshine.
"Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words" I always love seeing that. I mean imagine them trying to say what they have a phobia of :laugh: . No this is really mean. Who ever came up with this was just a really cruel person.
Reply 19
I have
Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces
Although if I think about it, it's probably more like a fear of not being able to move. I remember when I was little, I crossed my arms over into the opposite sleeves but couldn't get them out. I panicked. Just thinking about that makes me shudder. And being rolled up in a carpet, or trapped under an avalanche with straw to breathe through. Maybe it's a fear of not being able to escape.

Fear of heights. But I can do rollercoasters and stuff. I can't climb up ladders. I think it is the fear of falling or not having confidence in what's holding you up.

And then insects, slugs, snails, worms etc (but I can handle spiders).