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Reply 1
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tictacs.....
Reply 2
she just shaked her tic tacs at me! :biggrin:
Reply 3
she just shaked her tic tacs at me! :biggrin:

Lol. Hehe, I should try that one day!
i only like the orange ones. pity they dont sell just the orange ones now
Reply 5
I am addicted to tic tacs.. :smile:
Reply 6
I've never quite understood the significance of shaking your tic tacs at someone - what is it? :confused:
Reply 7
i only like the orange ones. pity they dont sell just the orange ones now

Agreed. I would love a box of just orange ones.
Reply 8
It always amazes me they're so little but so powerful- although Smints amaze me more because they're even smaller and even stronger.
Reply 9
tic tacs are great and there are things like tic tacs but in more colours but i cant remember what the're called
Reply 10
I've never quite understood the significance of shaking your tic tacs at someone - what is it? :confused:

There lies in the great message.. You do not need to understand. But to meerly do it to random passerbys for great humour.
Reply 11
tic tacs are great and there are things like tic tacs but in more colours but i cant remember what the're called

You can get green and orange flavour tictacs as well as white flavour ones!
Reply 12
You can get green and orange flavour tictacs as well as white flavour ones!

yes i know that and u can get spearmint tic tacs but the things im thinking of are in tic tac style boxes but come in these flavours

pink - rasberry?
spear mint

each flavours in its on lil box and the boxes are tinted
Reply 13
I love tic-tacs, but as soon as I get them, I eat them all within about 2 minutes!!! :biggrin:
Reply 14
Mm Spearmint. I have loads of em in the house.
Reply 15
I love tic-tacs, but as soon as I get them, I eat them all within about 2 minutes!!! :biggrin:

me too did u know some of them turn black in your mouth when u suck them i cant remeber which ones tho
Reply 16
The fallen of the back of the truck ones?
Reply 17
The fallen of the back of the truck ones?

uh no i meant if u suck it till its small them take it out and look at it
Reply 18
uh no i meant if u suck it till its small them take it out and look at it

Of course I did :smile: But i try and derive humour from all areas of life.
Reply 19
I love tic-tacs, but as soon as I get them, I eat them all within about 2 minutes!!! :biggrin:

Im sure if you eat too many they have a laxative effect!! i think its the same with all mints- but then again you'd prob have to eat loads!