The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I herd sugar free polos reduce sperm count.
Being kicked where the sun dont shine sure helps!
Reply 3
I would imagine a lot of things can lead to diminished fertility in a man. Sometimes GP's advise the man to eat healthily (lots of vitamins), drink less alcohol, no caffeine, shower in warm water not hot if a couple are struggling to conceive.
Tight undercrackers too! I advise au naturale! :wink:
alcohol :rolleyes:
tight underwear

ao should men not keep the mobiles in the jeans pocket anymore? or is it just using the phones?
Reply 9
Doesn't excess masturbation cause low sperm count in the long run?
Reply 10
ao should men not keep the mobiles in the jeans pocket anymore? or is it just using the phones?

The Jury's still out on that one.
Reply 11
Doesn't excess masturbation cause low sperm count in the long run?

I hope not *laughs it off* i thought if anythin masterbation is good, to explore your body. Is it true too much can be harmful, and when you mean too much like how many aday?
Reply 12
James T
Ive heard that polos if you have too many reduces your sperm mobility :eek: and is it true like caffiene eg tea and coffee give you less chance of being fertile? is there any other products which leave us infertile?
or affect your fertility in any way?

Beer - most contain high levels of phytoestrogens.
You should avoid tight underwear and not keep your mobile in your pocket.
Apparently using a laptop on your lap increases the temperature in your groin and so affects fertility in the short term. Not sure if there are long-term effects but they're probably still researching it.
Reply 15
I hope not *laughs it off* i thought if anythin masterbation is good, to explore your body. Is it true too much can be harmful, and when you mean too much like how many aday?

I don't actually know coz I read it a while ago somewhere and I'm just dredging it from the back of my memory. By excess though I assume it meant like quite a few times everyday.
Pot Noodles apparently.

Masturbation doesn't.

Edit: In fact I expect if you knocked one out half a dozen in a day and then tried to produce a baby you might not be shooting very high-in-sperm stuff. Dunno. But that's very short-term.