The Student Room Group

Hops/Beer make the breasts grow?

i heard this before and thought it was a load of b***Ks. but in Holland and Barrat, and other health food stores they sell these tablets bout £40 per month guarunteed to make the breast grow one cup size or more.

i read the labels to see what is this miracle ingredient, and it said 'hops 50%'.

im gonna google it and see what comes up. but i also read somewhere in a health magasie that hops can help regulate mentruation, so perhaps it has a hormonal effect?

basically if this all is true, then beer will make the breasts grow

has anyone tried any such supplements, did theywork? and beer drinkers notice and increase in bust?
whats the deal.
Reply 1
the beer will make you fat and so that you will grow in flesh and every part of you will become
omg, how did u manage to get so much of neg rep?
Reply 2
i drink beer (well, snakebites) and i have got bigger boobs, but i've also got fat. when i've lost a stone i'll tell you if my boobs are still big...gimme two weeks...
Reply 3
no i did think this at first- the fat content would increase overall body fat levels so you'd appear to have bigger shooms.

but that cant be it cos of the supposed effect of the hops on menstruatio. and these teeny capsules cant have a high fat content so it must be the hops themselves
Reply 4
perhaps, but changing the way hormones work may lead to bad consequences.
Reply 5
I drink beer. I have increased in cup size.
But then I have put on weight and so thats why...Beer means more weight. Although strangly my back size has stayed the same so no added fat around my ribs. Not a large amount anyway.
So beer can increase breasts...just the same way that fast food can.

If hops would, hmm I'm skeptical. Growing more tissue in only one part of the body seems a bit...well difficult.
Reply 6
well ok. anyon tried hops NOT beer?
i guess that means people taking the supplenment only, did it work? i think the one in holland and barratt had a guaruntee with it. so it

this is what i mean
I have lost weight without trying and my boobs have stayed the same size. Yay! But I don't drink beer.
Reply 8
that doesnt help much

here's some more.
i think it must be true otherwise why do women keep using them?
lol its true well in mens cases releases small amounts of oestrogen (same way women have small amounts of testosterone) and thats how men get boobs lol! it could be because of the hops as i dont think it happens if they drink spirits or wine..... xoxo
Reply 10
this is a mystery!
Reply 11
Does anything make your boobs smaller though>!
Reply 12
running uphill, so i've heard... never needed to though :frown:
Reply 13
Does anything make your boobs smaller though>!

Losing weight can...
I think its all a scam. If a pill could make your boobs grow then why are there so many boob jobs going on?
Reply 15
I reckon one of the cheapest ways to making your breasts look bigger is by going the gym. I don't mean jog on the treadmill for 30minutes or do 9^9 situps, do dips. They will make your pecs bigger and therefore push your breasts out, making them look bigger.

If this is wrong please tell me.
*agrees with lessthanthree*

I very much there is anything definative you can say that will make anyone who takes it get bigger breasts (except sugery cept you don't 'take' that).