The Student Room Group

Worried about health - any ideas?

Hey, Just finished my exam period and it's probably just the stress that's got to me. I've been getting a lot of mouth ulcers which aren't really a concern. The thing i'm worried about is lots of little pimple like bumps on the inside of my lower lip. They are skin coloured and raised. There are about 20/30 of them covering my inner lip when i pull it down so i don't think it can be ulcers that haven't come up yet as i don't think you can get them in such vast numbers. Has anyone ever had anything like that or anyone have any ideas what it could be. I don't get cold sores. Can't go to the doctors until monday and they've got a lot worse today so it's playing on my mind a little. Thanks.
Reply 1
no idea i'm afraid. have you been chewing on your lips when stressed?
Reply 2
Ask a pharmacist, then see your gp on monday.
Reply 3
ok this may be a werid question but do you have bj's? cos that would be a reason
ok this may be a werid question but do you have bj's? cos that would be a reason

you mean do you GIVE them.

I thin a more pertinent question is ARE YOU SURE THEY ARE NEW?

you'd be amazed how often people find something 'new' on their body which was always there.
Sounds like it could be oral thrush, fungally things in the mouth, and if your stressed your immune system is gonna be on a downer, best go see your GP.