The Student Room Group
Reply 1
James T
By someone giving you head?
Serious question, ive heard many rumours and wondering if a girl has like hiv if that pass on through her mouth? :redface:

Yeah you can. That's all I know. I'm sure some medic will come on here soon and tell you all about it!
Reply 2
This is the second sexual health thing I have seen you ask or be informed about today.
Why not find one of the sexual health thread on here and read through. There should be a sticky at the top of the page with many of them in.
The Sticky
Thread on STDs
Oral Sex STDs
Or try some websites..Brook. NHS.
Reply 3
If you both have an open wound in the mouth then yeah, it can be transferred via blood. It can't be transmitted via her saliva though.
Reply 4
Its just the same as intercourse. I dont think you can get crabs though! Unless you have a beard? :biggrin:
Reply 5
You can get infections through the transmission of blood from cuts or sores in her mouth, and she can get them from you either from cuts/sores or from your cum.
Remember, cum is leaked before you actually orgasm, so she's still at risk even if she doesn't swallow.