The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
as tittled...dont u hate it...2day i got jumped...6 people...bottles....racism nowadays....damn
btw im 6ft tall pretty guys were lucky i had to get train


Yes I do. Very common down here on the Island where it is 99% white population. The little bastards.

Are you ok? :smile:
Reply 2
Any bets as to the first person to post with "Actually, I like racist chavs"?
Reply 3
why dont you report it to the police?
Reply 4
Actually, I like racist chavs!

Just kidding :biggrin:

They make me sick!
Reply 5
im fine now cleaned myself up,because police = nothing...they do fixing it way instead much more effective than a police "warning".my brace is knoced outa place,broken nose i think ummm fat lip.

Good heavens. Hope you are alright.
Reply 7
chav + being smacked with metal pole = end of problem
Reply 8
im fine now cleaned myself up,because police = nothing...they do fixing it way instead much more effective than a police "warning".my brace is knoced outa place,broken nose i think ummm fat lip.


do you know who the attackers were? if not, then you know just about as much as the police, ie bugger all.

what do you want the police to do?
Reply 9
i do know,i know where one lives too,police are just unhelpfull...they take a statement...thanks for your time...get back to you within a year....forget the polcie my friend tried that route...they do nothing jus "enquires".il sort it myself :smile:
Reply 10
give em a taste of their own medicine, go happy slapping
Is it still legal to carry a sword? Where can I find a swordsmith who might fashion me a sword, custom made so that it may be neatly concealed in an umbrella? That will teach those scoundrels.
Is it still legal to carry a sword? Where can I find a swordsmith who might fashion me a sword, custom made so that it may be neatly concealed in an umbrella? That will teach those scoundrels.

i feel a kill bill 3 comin on
Reply 13
i think it comes under pointy object type laws, might need a license for it, but hey, whatever, what do i know, i failed GCSE Law
Reply 14
ahahha happy slapping,lol yes illegal sadly.police are just a hassle nowadays search me because i look suspecious supposedly (i wear jeans,trainers,t shirt and a hoody < no not chav ones...)

Reply 15
im fine now cleaned myself up,because police = nothing...they do fixing it way instead much more effective than a police "warning".my brace is knoced outa place,broken nose i think ummm fat lip.


go to the POLICE!!!!
Reply 16
i would,however a police warning in my eyes isnt suffiecent,they need to learn racisim isnt right and neither is punching me for no apparent reason...because they are drunk and disordly? evreything that happend 2 me...was at my train people there to say anything...train driver didnt say or do anything...the world nowadays

Reply 17
i do know,i know where one lives too,police are just unhelpfull...they take a statement...thanks for your time...get back to you within a year....forget the polcie my friend tried that route...they do nothing jus "enquires".il sort it myself :smile:

frankly you're talking *****.

did you even go to the police?
Reply 18
well its happend to my friend before,and thats what they did took some details...and no contact for 6months or so...and when they did contact they said they had insufficent evidence...which was rubbish...he had a doctors report and pictures...his whole face was bruised and his nose was operated on.

Reply 19
well, seeing as youre not going to the police so they wont get caught, i just hope you gave a damn good account of yourself.