Hey to everyone doing their Chemistry AS (and A2) this year! Just thought it may be useful for people doing their exams to use the revision notes I made last year for my AS exams. I'm posting Unit 1 for EDEXCEL. I also have units 2 and 3B done. I feel it's only fair for me to give this to you in return as thanks for all the help you have all given me over the last two years.
I am fully prepared to acknowledge that I have used a very wide range of sources to compile these revision notes e.g. some images are taken from Chemguide and other sources. This is for simplicity as I thought it a waste of time to redo diagrams that were already very skilfully drawn by other people. In no case am I attempting to receive any credit for this. A good proportion of the graphs used are drawn by me in Excel from data books and almost the integrity of the text is written by me, and not copied in any way.
I hope you will find this to be a useful compilation of what I think are the essentials for AS Chemistry
Please give me feedback (and rep is appreciated
If you want me to put up uits 2 and 3B, please tell me.
(apologies for english mistakes... I'm french
If you feel I have made a mistake in these notes, please shout at me and I will correct them gladly!
For those without winzip: email me and I'lls end the file to you (436 kb)