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Reply 1
You're joining a legalised murder brigade?

I wish for your death.
but as the title suggests, who here is considering joining the university of glasgow and strathclyde air squadron?

I'm applying for RAF Sponsorship at the minute which allegedly excludes me from applying straight into the UAS but I hope it doesn't. :s-smilie: Need to ring up through the week and see what they say.

Also will be applying for Army and Navy Sponsorship as well so could be joining up with the OTC or RNU.
Reply 3
Captain Biggles
I'm applying for RAF Sponsorship at the minute which allegedly excludes me from applying straight into the UAS but I hope it doesn't. :s-smilie: Need to ring up through the week and see what they say.

Also will be applying for Army and Navy Sponsorship as well so could be joining up with the OTC or RNU.


Man I would stick with the uas, if you want to fly that is.

Hope to see you there! Wouldn't see why it would exclude you. If not have fun with OTc, or the rnu, if you like boats and that sort of thing.
Reply 4
I want to join UGSAS this year! I applied for an RAF scholarship this year but had to pull out because of illness, so I'm hopefully just going to join as a volunteer this year and test the water!
Reply 5
But your from edinburgh :|

Coming over here, taking our jobs, our education :P

Good luck getting in, coming onto TSR is a good start anyway.

And you mean a RAF University Bursary, just incase they ask you. Scholarship is only 6th form :P
Reply 6
Horses for courses - I spent my first year in the OTC and that was good but left and joined the University Royal Naval Unit (URNU). The URNU has been absolutely amazing and having spent 3 years with the URNU I have been away on the Unit's ship all round the UK and Europe, been sailing in the Mediterranean on a big yacht, spent 2 weeks doing basic flying training and spent a few days at sea on a nuclear powered submarine. I don't intend to join the Navy but the opportunities I've had with the URNU have been fantastic and best of all, I've been PAID to do all of this!!!!

As I say its horses for courses - If you do want to go flying then the UAS is obviously the best way to go. If you fancy spending your weekends in the pouring Scottish rain up to your knees in mud then the the OTC is a natural choice!!

I've found the URNU to be perfect however - a real mix of interesting stuff, small enough to be really friendly, fantastic socials and I've made friends I will stay in touch with long, long after I graduate next year.

No hard sell on Careers which is good too.
Reply 7
Horses for courses - I spent my first year in the OTC and that was good but left and joined the University Royal Naval Unit (URNU). The URNU has been absolutely amazing and having spent 3 years with the URNU I have been away on the Unit's ship all round the UK and Europe, been sailing in the Mediterranean on a big yacht, spent 2 weeks doing basic flying training and spent a few days at sea on a nuclear powered submarine. I don't intend to join the Navy but the opportunities I've had with the URNU have been fantastic and best of all, I've been PAID to do all of this!!!!

As I say its horses for courses - If you do want to go flying then the UAS is obviously the best way to go. If you fancy spending your weekends in the pouring Scottish rain up to your knees in mud then the the OTC is a natural choice!!

I've found the URNU to be perfect however - a real mix of interesting stuff, small enough to be really friendly, fantastic socials and I've made friends I will stay in touch with long, long after I graduate next year.

No hard sell on Careers which is good too.

Glad you posted! I have not heard anything about the URNU.

It does sound much more appealing than OTC for sure.

How would you weigh the benefits of OTC to URNU. Whats the pro's and con's to both. Plus you mention a 2 week flying course. Is this a general course you can apply to do while in the URNU or do you need to pay.

Im applying for the UAS because its my favourite thing I want to do, fly. But I mean, if I get knocked back for any reason, I still want to join the forces so any of these organisations can give me an insight into a much broader range of oppertunities. And hey, who knows, I may be tempted by navy life over the raf and vear of course onto an aircraft carrier!
Reply 8
As you say the URNU has a much lower profile than the OTC as it is quite a bit smaller. Both the UAS and the URNU are about the same size but people turn up more regularly, everyone gets to know each other and as a result you make lots of really good friends from all of the Unis in Glasgow on all sorts of courses.

If you do want to join the RAF as a career then the UAS would probably suit you best. If you want a bit more though vareity then the URNU is good as you can get involved in so many different things as well as going away on the ship (which is amazing fun). The URNU do run 2 fortnight Flying Camps a year when each of the 14 Units in the UK send one of their students down to RNAS Yeovilton and they spend 2 weeks learning to fly. Obviously its quite competitive as quite a few people will want to do it but most people who really want to do it manage to get a place in either their first or second year. Again its a great way to make friends and those of my mates that have done it rate it as one of the best things they have ever done. Like most things in the URNU its entirely FREE!!! and you even get paid (about 39 ponds per day) whilst you're there!!!

There's more info on the Navy site:

and also have a look under G&S URNU on facebook for info about their freshers events.
Apparently about 30 guys from Glasgow Uni alone applied for the UAS in this cycle with about 10 or so spots up for grabs - we're in for a tough time of it, especially when they've got Strathy, Cally and even Stirling to go. :s-smilie:
Reply 10
I applied for GSUAS. Got invited to open day so looking forward to that to get a broader spectrum, as I'm still not entirely convinced
Is this anything to do with the army thing? Guys from that talked to me and my friends at Freshers and we signed up to go along to a dinner next wednesday to find out more, but can't remember what it's actually called and can't remember where the dinner is meant to be!
I applied for GSUAS. Got invited to open day so looking forward to that to get a broader spectrum, as I'm still not entirely convinced

They're doing open days now? When is it? Hopefully not too soon as I'm turning up to Strathy Freshers' Fayre on Tuesday/Wednesday since I missed the Glasgow one.
Reply 13
Captain Biggles
They're doing open days now? When is it? Hopefully not too soon as I'm turning up to Strathy Freshers' Fayre on Tuesday/Wednesday since I missed the Glasgow one.

30th of september. I was invited to it, upon completing an informal interview after handing in my application
Reply 14
Meh theres always OTC if you dont get in!

OTC dudes:" SO guys you interested in joining a drinking club in which you get paid too?"

My freind:"Possibly, whats the catch?"

OTC dudes: " Theres none, you just turn up, get paid, and drink"

My friend: " I see, are you sure about that?"

Otc dudes: "Yes, its fantastic."

My friend: "So why is it that you are wearing dpm trousers?"

OTC dudes: "If you want to join you can sign here"

My friend: "Can you answer my question please?"

OTC dudes: "Well, I mean, we are part of the, arm.... TA."

My friend: "hmm.... Thanks but, Bye now."
30th of september. I was invited to it, upon completing an informal interview after handing in my application

Yeah looks like I'll be there. :smile: Did they say what the dress code is?
Reply 16
smart casual on the wee leaflet he gave me
Reply 17
Captain Biggles
Yeah looks like I'll be there. :smile: Did they say what the dress code is?

lol I cant wait to see who miss the *smart* in the dress code.
lol I cant wait to see who miss the *smart* in the dress code.

Looks like shirt and tie affair but no suit jacket. :wink:
But your from edinburgh :|

Coming over here, taking our jobs, our education :P

Good luck getting in, coming onto TSR is a good start anyway.

And you mean a RAF University Bursary, just incase they ask you. Scholarship is only 6th form :P

Yeap, thank you for the tips. I'll see you at the open night.