The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Muffy the Vampire Layer (Although not strictly a film cover)

Willy Wonker and The Chocolate Factory - Willy ****** and the Chocolate Factory

Night of the Living Dead - Night of the Giving Head
Reply 2
I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - I Saw Mommy Eating Santa Claus
Reply 3
Lawrence of a Labia (Lawrence of Arabia)
The Sperminator (Terminator)
Reply 4
saving private ryan--shaving ryans privates
I've actually got The Erotic Witch Project and Gladiator Eroticus: The Lesbian Warriors. They're brilliant. Hours of amusement. I might get one out now actually. They're better than most comedies, they really are. Especially Gladiator Eroticus - it's genius. It actually is Monty Python-esque.

And then you've got the likes of Battlestar Orgasmica, A Midsummer Night's Cream, Beaver and Buttface, The Sexorcist, Beverly Hills 9021 Ho, Titty Titty Bang Bang and my personal favourite Raiders of the Lost Arse.
Saving Private Ryan - Shaving private Ryan ( I like this movie, go to chapter 2, she is HOT)

BTW guy above me Trixx do you really live in Amityville??? If you do , move.
Reply 7
A Midsummer Night's Cream

Lol! That's my fave! :biggrin:
Reply 8
Eyes wide shut - Eyes Wide Sl*t
Reply 9
Saving Private Ryan - Shaving private Ryan ( I like this movie, go to chapter 2, she is HOT)

BTW guy above me Trixx do you really live in Amityville??? If you do , move.

Not really, if i did i would probably be dead by now :biggrin:
Reply 10
The Bourne Identity - The porn identity
Edward Penishands

Unfortunately I didn't even make that up...
Reply 12
the man with the golden gun - the girl with the golden buns
Forrest Hump and Pulp Friction
Reply 14
wow, im surprised how quickly you all replied to the porn thread... or am i??
How about Gangbangs of New York ?
Reply 16
womb raider, - lovely :eek:
There was one I heard of that used a front cover to imitate a decent heavy metal album and I was not amused. Errr don't remember the title but they used Master of Puppets cover art.
they had a programme on this thread on good old channel 5 not too long ago, it was depressing, they have porno musicals now! :redface:
Reply 19
Lawrence of a Labia (Lawrence of Arabia)

That was the name of our medics' revue last year! :redface:

What's the point of making a porn version of Eyes Wide Shut - I thought it was meant to be fairly pornographic anyway? :eek: