The Student Room Group

St Lawrence Court, Halifax College, House N

Just found out i am going to be in St Lawrence, house N and thought i would start a thread and see if anyone else has also been placed in this house with me :smile:
Well, I'm in house P so I guess we'll be neighbours!
Reply 2
wheey a neighbour, lol
Come knock on my door on saturday or something
we can have a drink and all.
Ooh if you haven't already, go to
and one of the threads is for all the people staying at SLC!
Reply 4
O thanks!
House R here :grin:
Reply 6
House E :yep:
Reply 7
I'm in House O.
I was in house C.
The first night is really good because it's a courtyard and everyone's door is open. Talk to everyone, make friends!
My housemates became really good friends with one of the other houses and they generally did a lot of stuff together.
Some advice: be prepared for the 10minutes+ walk to campus everyday, and ALSO find the alternative routes, i.e. walk down Main Street and find Spring Lane (I think it's called that).
The Charles pub will be your local :wink:
I'm in hous N! Hey roomie :smile:
Reply 10
who are you then? lol
are you on facebook?
I'm Chelsea Swift :smile: I've been on the facebook pages for halifax.
Reply 12
lol im hollie, you just added me :smile:
talk there
Reply 13
I am house H! it is weird to think I will be leaving home in several weeks!

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