"is it for improvement at a specific sport, or for one of those "look how muscly i am" competitions?"
What right do you have to critisise someone for wanting to improve himself. I have been reading these bb threads and an great amount of ignorance is being shown.
The best advice I can offer is get more rest, get a simple routine over 3 or 4 days depending on what you can manage, and don't over train, short intense workouts are better than spedning 3 hours in the gym per day doing 50 exercies, you need to give your body time to recover, supplements are just that they are suppliments to your diet thats it. What you need is to eat every two to three hours small/medium meals each time and more listen to yourself you've been training 5 weeks and your expecting the world already, its a slow process and it doesnt happen overnight.
The only supps you may need are a basic protein powder, both the links already provided are a good place to get what you need, don't waste your money on bars, and take the protein as soon as you wake up and your body will need the protein after not eating over night, having it with water will mean it is absorbed quicker by your body, it would take longer to absorb if you take it with milk. Also take one after a work out as that is when your muscles will need most nourishment. You may want to have another shake during the day if you don't have time for a proper meal in between a busy schedule.
Creatine can also work with some people
"The reason why i never used them before because i heard stories that creatine fills your arms with water...i dont want watery muscle, i want pure muscle so i got good power in my punches and harder arms n pecs"
Mate from that I'm taking it that you havn't read up properly on creatine, with creatine the water is absorbed into the muscle cells but the effect of this will be harder, fuller muscles.
There is no need for any more supps until you were at a high level aprt from maybe vitamin and mineral thing which you may choose to take. Do not waste your money only anything else for a quick result there is no need. Drink water too you should be aiming for 3-5 litres of water per day at least, you need to keep your body hydrated, hydrations levels can effect strength levels, being dehyrated will have a negative effect on strength levels.
Your stable diet could consists any of the following:
Steak, Chicken, Tuna, Salmon, Nuts, Milk, Cottage Cheese, Eggs
Rice, Pasta, Wholemeal bread, Oats
Don't forget your fruit and veg too!
The amount of protein you should be aiming for is 2-4g of protein per kg bodyweight and for carbs approx 4g per kg bodyweight
hope this helps, anymore q's you want answering don't hesitate to pm me.