What do you guys think about masturbation ? I would like to hear answers from all sort of people, regardless of your religion, races, nationality or your family background. I would expect mature answers ...
What do you guys think about masturbation ? I would like to hear answers from all sort of people, regardless of your religion, races, nationality or your family background. I would expect mature answers ...
It's odd thinking about it, that is friggin yourself off, quite obscene when you think about it! lol - pleasuring yourself...some find this to be perverse so don't indulge in it, because they find it this way. I do it, but not that often, its good and pleasurable! (average twice a week, but i don't really count!). Also for health reasons, knocking one off is allegedly healthy for the systems.
With the above, i'm a white, male, British, Christian (sort of...im spiritual) - gód only knows what the Christian teachings are about masturbation - probably outlawing masturbation...if it's not for contraception, then more than likely Christianity may well not promote sexual acts on oneself.
Damn good fun! You realise your Dad did it, and so did his and on ad infinitum and you realise you weren't such a rebellious little tyke after all... ewww