The Student Room Group

What is the primary site of study? (Tier 4 Student visa)

Im an international student and gotta apply for a visa to come to the UK. Im filling in all the paperwork right now and one question asks what the primary site of study is. Is this just the general address of Sheffield?
"The University of Sheffield
Western Bank
Sheffield S10 2TN
UK "
Can someone please tell me if they know cause if very scared to mistake something on the forms since the british embassy is very strict.
yes. But if you want you can write down the address of your department.
Yes that address is correct.
Check what the address on your visa letter . I used the address that was provided on the visa letter and had no problems .
I think it would be safer if the address in your application is the same address as the address on the visa letter.
Reply 4

So Adress of primary site of study is same as Full adress of tier 4 sponsor?

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