The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Hiya, I'm in number 4 Marley court, I guess we'll be neighbours then :P
Yah. I'm house 3. 8D
Reply 3
Hiya, I'm in number 4 Marley court, I guess we'll be neighbours then :P

Nice one, i went to Canterbury to see it all yesterday. It was all really great actually, Marley Court aren't the best 5 bedroom houses because they haven't been refurbished like some of the others but they still look really good :smile:
Having lived in number 3 last year, I can tell you that Marley Court is completely unknown to the people who don't live in it. It's basically situated in the middle of a ring of other courts, it doesn't really help that every court has it's name in a sort of burnt bronze colour written on one of the houses - normally this is really useful but Marley Court ended up with it in kinda the wrong place where people with cars or staggering back from Woody's can find it but everyone else just completely misses it. :rolleyes: So yeh be prepared to give elaborate descriptions to people, or don't bother and just go out and meet them halfway so you can lead them :-P

The other thing about Marley last year was that it was a pretty quiet court, most of the houses didn't really know each other that well, number 8 held all the parties, yet only invited people from outside the court, and number 4 (which was 4/5 girls) regularly had a variety of different men coming and going at night. Number 2 constantly ignored each other apparently, grim house that... Numbers 11 and 12 seemed to get on really well, they moved through each others houses as if they were just all one big house.

Yeh anyway that's all irrelevant cos new year means new people... I and some of my housemates from last year are planning on coming and re-visiting number 3 at some point (cos we were there! :woo:) so be warned! :wink: Other than that I'm one of the team leaders for the Parkwood student helpers this year so I'm gonna try assign myself Marley Court to help with unpacking :wink:

EDIT: Marley Court's also one of the only courts with a half decent greenery area outside it, cos it's U-shaped with grassy area bordered off from the path with some hedges, the trees in that court are stunning when in bloom!
Reply 5
Was in number 5 last year, and I echo what Faustus has said, it's really hard trying to explain where it is, though really easy to get to.
Was in number 5 last year, and I echo what Faustus has said, it's really hard trying to explain where it is, though really easy to get to.

:eek3: No wai!? Which room were you in and I'll have to see if I can work out who you were. Although I've got a good idea already based on your mention of the Real Ale and Cider society in Saruken's Good Pub Guide, which I'm now going to create a link for purely for publicity purposes.
Reply 7
Room E, and I think I may have eaten some of your pizza?
Room E, and I think I may have eaten some of your pizza?

Lmao quite so! I thought as much, we spent like 4 hours talking outside the back of your house in the third term. Good times.
Happy Hammer
It feels like im the only one there. I'm gonna be at number 7, anyone on here my roommate?

I'm in 7 too :smile: