The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Mate.. I've got the same problem but I'm going to Leicester.. check out
Reply 2
Lots of people cycle into uni, the bike racks everywhere are usually full of bikes. If you've got one or two decent bike locks I see no reason why you should worry. During normal uni hours the whole campus is busy so someone would have to pretty brave and stupid to try and nick a locked bike in a busy area.
Reply 3
Is it pretty easy to cycle round Leeds?
Reply 4
Lots of people cycle into uni, the bike racks everywhere are usually full of bikes. If you've got one or two decent bike locks I see no reason why you should worry. During normal uni hours the whole campus is busy so someone would have to pretty brave and stupid to try and nick a locked bike in a busy area.

Not really that brave, with plenty of bikes around no-one notices someone fiddling around with bikes and such.

Trust me, I'm from the bike theft capital of the country and I make lots of cash from it...
Reply 5
Not really that brave, with plenty of bikes around no-one notices someone fiddling around with bikes and such.

Trust me, I'm from the bike theft capital of the country and I make lots of cash from it...

My worry exactly....

....just wondered if there was a big problem with this in Leeds?
I had a bike stolen from Leeds University (the bike locks outside the union building near the gate, around 11pm at night... bad time to leave a bike, but still). Also one from Leeds city centre (bike locks next to the Light, opposite the cashpoint in the street between the cinema and Hard Rock Cafe). Again, at night. I've learned my lesson and don't leave bikes anywhere at night, with the rare exception of the train station (have to have a ticket to get in there and there's always loads of bikes locked up, no matter what the hour). I'd just say carry a couple of locks (D lock and a cable/chain one, ideally) if your bike's half decent.

Leeds as a city is great for it though, bike lanes on most roads. I commute 10 miles a day and it's quicker than the bus.