The Student Room Group

Neogest (progestogen-only pill)

I'm coming up to the end of my trial for Microgyon 30, and so I made an appointment to talk about the trial and see whether it worked for me.

The doctor asked whether I've had any other side effects (apart from the heaviness of the pain - light periods, but same pain as before, which is horrible) as in headaches, etc. And I said I did - they're more frequent in the past few months and have been getting more extreme (had a bad migraine two weeks ago, thought nothing of it in relation to the Pill though).

My doctor said that many are reluctant for their patients to continue with their Pill if it causes headaches and migraines, as there could be a small chance of it happening again (a small number of women have experienced bleeding around the brain after a migraine). So he's taken me off it straightaway and has put me on the progestogen-only pill, Neogest. It seems the oestrogen may have helped caused the headaches or something.

Just wondering if anyone's taking this - how did you find it? Apparently the periods are different for everyone, as some may come off their period completely, some find theirs are irregular, etc.

Thanks x
Reply 1
I'm coming up to the end of my trial for Microgyon 30, and so I made an appointment to talk about the trial and see whether it worked for me.

The doctor asked whether I've had any other side effects (apart from the heaviness of the pain - light periods, but same pain as before, which is horrible) as in headaches, etc. And I said I did - they're more frequent in the past few months and have been getting more extreme (had a bad migraine two weeks ago, thought nothing of it in relation to the Pill though).

My doctor said that many are reluctant for their patients to continue with their Pill if it causes headaches and migraines, as there could be a small chance of it happening again (a small number of women have experienced bleeding around the brain after a migraine). So he's taken me off it straightaway and has put me on the progestogen-only pill, Neogest. It seems the oestrogen may have helped caused the headaches or something.

Just wondering if anyone's taking this - how did you find it? Apparently the periods are different for everyone, as some may come off their period completely, some find theirs are irregular, etc.

Thanks x

I'm not on neogest, but i'm on another progestogen only pill called micronor. Like yourself i had to come of the combined pill, not because i had bad migraines, but because my blood pressure was bery high becasue of it.

I think most progestogen only pills are similar. Most of them are 'more hassle' to remember to take, because you have to take them within a three hour gap, rather than a 12 hour one. You become very irregular on this kind of pill as well, sometimes you'll have a period on the 17th day, then have to wait another 35 days and some people find that they have more than one in a month, so its annoying not being able to predict when your next period is going to be, and unfortunately because you're taking a pill everyday you can take packs back to back to miss a period! But many people are put on progestogen only pills because they have had side effects on the combined pill. I haven't had any problems with it apart from not being as regular as i was.
Reply 2
Ditto to bohogirlie, am also on progestogen only pill Micronor.

Ive not heard about neogest in particular, but POP's are generally known to cause less side effects than the combined pill.
The two most annoying things are: the 3 hour rule, and the fact that you cant control your periods. Apart from that, I have had no problems. My periods are shorter and lighter and less painful. I have less PMS/PMT. On Micrnor my periods have stayed *fairly* regular, ranging from 25-32 day cycles, when before I was a regular 28/29 girl. Its not the end of the world though. The only thing I wish I could do would be to run packs back to back to miss a period occasionally, but sadly that's not possible. You never know, you might be one of the lucky 40% whose periods stop completely. (Although, ensuring lack of pregnancy wise, not sure how happy I would be about this.)

Timings. At the start I found this to be a big problem. Taking it in the morning would seem to be the easiest time to remember, but I get up at different times every day and significantly later at the weekends, so the 3 hour rule stopped me being able to do this. I read somewhere that the POP is most effective 3-4 hours after taking it, so I thought I would try and take it at 8pm, as more often than not I have sex around midnight-ish. I set an alarm on my phone that goes off at 8pm every day and really gets on my friends' nerves! This works well as I havent usually gone out by 8pm, I'm still getting ready, so I didnt need to remember to take my pill on a night out with me.

I would recommend thinking carefully about the time you're going to take it before starting. Once you start, because of the three hour rule, its tricky to change the time you take it. You would have to do it gradually, say take it an hour earlier every day until you got to the time you wanted.

Good luck! Hope you get on OK with it.
Reply 3
i'm a progesterone only pill to and i also got changed off it because of migranes and headaches although i do still get some now! the side effects with mine are meant to be irregular bleeding (urgh) which hasnt happened as of yet, and i'm hopiing it wont happen at all.
Thanks guys!

I'm guessing I should take towels/tampons with me everywhere I go then? As before, I could predict and take "supplies" according to the dates.

I'm not in a sexual relationship so I doubt I need to time anything in terms of when I'm most likely to have sex. I may just do it every day at 8 ish - I always get up before then and I now have a clean glass by my bed with my Pill sachet in; it reminds me.