The Student Room Group
Reply 1
If the server lets her post this, Juno would like to say "read the bottle"
Reply 2
find the actual chemical name, and google it
Can the ordinary stuff (like the thing you use to kill moths and spiders) really damage your health if you, say, sprayed a load of it into your mouth?? Don't know why anyone would no really, but any vaguely informed conclusion would be much appreciated...

dunno. google it.... :wink:
Reply 4
You have to read the label. It could kill you but it depends on how much you eat. Why are you eating insecticide? Or is this just a general "just in case" question?
Nicotinic Effects:
Insecticides are usually organophosphates, which prob would give the following if you were poisoned with them.

muscle weakness
cramping pains in abdomen
You'd probably have to actually injest or deliberately inhale quite a bit rather than say just be breathing in the same room in was sprayed. I once was accidently sprayed in the face with the stuff that the commercial bug companies use and it didn't hurt me (not the stuff they make you leave the house before they spray). Luckily most on the really nasty chemicals are banned in OZ and I washed it off immediately. But say if you found a little kid with a fly spray bottle in their hand I'd rush them to the emergency room asp.
Reply 7
Why exactly do you want to know about all this?
Reply 8