I have a friend that drinks copious amounts of red bull or other such caffeine and taurine filled drinks during exam revision periods to help him revise and stay up all night before an exam. We're not talking one or two cans here though, we're talking 1-2 litres over the space of 7 or 8 hours. He claims that it helps him focus on remembering material and says his revision wouldn't be nearly as effective without it. However, he also says he gets the shakes and once his body temperature soared.
So anyway, I was wondering if anyone here has had similar experiences and what people's thoughts are on using stimulation drinks for this purpose. Do they actually help you concentrate or enhance you mentally in some other way? To me, it seems like a very risky thing to be doing to your body for the sake of maybe getting a better mark in an exam - I've always preferred the more traditional approach of steadily paced revision over a period of a few weeks.