The Student Room Group

Stimulation drinks and revision

I have a friend that drinks copious amounts of red bull or other such caffeine and taurine filled drinks during exam revision periods to help him revise and stay up all night before an exam. We're not talking one or two cans here though, we're talking 1-2 litres over the space of 7 or 8 hours. He claims that it helps him focus on remembering material and says his revision wouldn't be nearly as effective without it. However, he also says he gets the shakes and once his body temperature soared.

So anyway, I was wondering if anyone here has had similar experiences and what people's thoughts are on using stimulation drinks for this purpose. Do they actually help you concentrate or enhance you mentally in some other way? To me, it seems like a very risky thing to be doing to your body for the sake of maybe getting a better mark in an exam - I've always preferred the more traditional approach of steadily paced revision over a period of a few weeks.

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Reply 1
i had 12 or so red bulls over my week and half of exams nothing as excessive as the guy u mentioned. yeh sometimes when doing all nighters, i get the shakes, every action you make is seem to be ultra precise you are totally aware of yourself. time seems to slow down. but i dont drink them anymore now, just beer occasionally.
That's a bit excessive and probably would be worse than getting a good amount of sleep before an exam. But if you havnt' done the revision..

I've on 1 or 2 occasions had a cafitiere of coffe - about 5 cups, and been buzzing for a long time after that, stupidly I did it once at about 10 at night and couldn't get to sleep until 3 or 4.
Reply 3
All-nighters are an experience. Time definitely moves at different speeds during the night.

I love working at night, but problem is, your body doesn't, and arguing with several millions years of're probably not going to win.
Reply 4
i did the proplus thing over revision season... i felt awful afterwards and it took about 4 days for me to come down and feel human again... yet i managed to write an essay and prepare a presentation without extra stimulation the other week... it felt weird, like there was no one else alive, i'd never done a proper all-nighter before... but it was better than with the caffeine...
Reply 5
It's silly.
Caffine doesn't really help concentration that much. I've always found that my mind jumps from topic to topic and if I even tried to write an essay I would end up talking about something totally unrelated.
It's not all that great for your body either. Messing about with your sleep patterns is never good especially in exam times.
I am thinking of staying up all night revising for my exams tomorrow... I only have these two exams as I am just studying an extra AS-level this year... do you think it would be worth drinking a couple of cans of Red Bull so I can stay awake and concentrate??

(BTW - I was already thinking of doing this before I read this thread!!)
Reply 7
I am thinking of staying up all night revising for my exams tomorrow... I only have these two exams as I am just studying an extra AS-level this year... do you think it would be worth drinking a couple of cans of Red Bull so I can stay awake and concentrate??

(BTW - I was already thinking of doing this before I read this thread!!)

no. make sure you are hydrated, and eat a proper meal. at the very most, have some coke if you feel sleepy, but its not worth the hassle of feeling **** the next day
Reply 8
apparently, using stimulants and other things such as music are meant to be fine for revision, if u can have them during ur exam. But since ur not allowed to sit in ur exam with a can of red bull or an mp3 player, it does have the potential to do more harm than good...
no. make sure you are hydrated, and eat a proper meal. at the very most, have some coke if you feel sleepy, but its not worth the hassle of feeling **** the next day

What about drinking a can in the morning too... and maybe one before the exam? I'm just worried because last time I stayed up all night I ended up half asleep and wasn't very productive.. I really need to stay awake!!!
Reply 10
I don't understand why you would want to go into an exam tired. it's much easier to concentrate when awake.
Red Bull is only temporary and tehre is not garentee it will work and keep you awake. You really NEED to eat a good meal (complex carbs are best) before an exam. Using your brain uses a lot of energy. There are tests that have shown eating something before an exam can help.
Reply 11
apparently, using stimulants and other things such as music are meant to be fine for revision, if u can have them during ur exam. But since ur not allowed to sit in ur exam with a can of red bull or an mp3 player, it does have the potential to do more harm than good...

you can sit an exam with a can of red bull... just as long as it was open before you get into the exam room...
Reply 12
What about drinking a can in the morning too... and maybe one before the exam? I'm just worried because last time I stayed up all night I ended up half asleep and wasn't very productive.. I really need to stay awake!!!

tbh, different things work for different people. i have a good long term memory, so i prefer to get a good nights sleep before an exam, then pray that i can remember my stuff when the questions are asked... one of my friends routinely works till 2 am, and she prefers that. play to your strengths..
Reply 13
at my school, we're not allowed to take any drinks into the exam unless it's water. I'm pretty sure that's the case anyway
Reply 14
at my school, we're not allowed to take any drinks into the exam unless it's water. I'm pretty sure that's the case anyway

they were like that at school with us too... i still knew someone who brought dilute vodka tonics to exams in water bottles... said it helped him relax...
Reply 15
at my school, we're not allowed to take any drinks into the exam unless it's water. I'm pretty sure that's the case anyway

Same, you can get away with it with finding an opaque bottle and putting it in there (I don't know if tango still do their bottles in black, but that was what I used last year).
I wouldn't reccommend it the night before though... I couldn't focus properly in the exam the next day because I hadn't slept well - it's much better to get some proper sleep and a decent meal.
Reply 16
Be really careful with caffeine drinks I passed out once after drinking caffeine drinks and luckily I'd just got out of the car (i'd been drinking caffeine drinks because I was driving on a night out and not drinking alcohol) or I'm pretty sure I would have crashed and killed myself.
Reply 17
I did it once with caffeine and I had about about 8 cups of strong coffee over a couple of hours. At first I felt pretty good and was concentrating well but after not long I started shaking and feeling ill then I got really depressed. I was like ''Oh cheers caffeine :frown: ''
Reply 18
Caffeine overdoses can have fatal effects and result in cardiac arrest. It doesn't take that much depending on height and weight to lead to loss of consciousness (a cup of coffee is about 250mg of caffeine and 3000mg of caffeine can kill some people or lead to significant changes in physical effects.)
Reply 19
I think it's ridiculous.

drinking that much will probably make you almost immune to its effect anyway. and it buggers your stomach.

messing with your sleep cycle is not good - people are sleepy for a reason.

Woooow, it'd be cool being immune to a drink, weird. I reckon the best way is to plan your revision starting about 3-4 months from the exam, that way you know what you have to work on and can get help on it.

Knowing this I still don't do it.