The Student Room Group
I'm gona be getting one removed (preferably lasered off) and I was wondering whether anyone else has had this done, and where it was done etc...
Please Help x

I'm having two on my back off next Wednesday! I'm really happy because they're ugly lil buggers! Anywho, I'm getting them cut out! :eek: It's on the NHS and I got in to the local surgery for a "minor operations clinic". Should be a breeze!
Reply 2
my sister had one cut out. it was really big and she had loads of stiches and managed to split her back open :eek: it's ok now but she was in a lot of pain.

worth it to avoid cancer tho.
Reply 3
Coz its cosmetic it will have to be done privatly tho, anyone had it done privatley?
Reply 4
I'd be interested as well, if they aren't too big what's the scarring like?
Well to be honest mine is cosmetic, but I just said that they rub, make an excuse and you'll get it free, and save a few hundred squid. Unless it's on your face I would advise this.
Reply 6
You would advise what sorry?
Reply 7
I had two removed a couple of years ago (from my back). Had it done privately. It was really quick and leaves a little scar that isn't that noticeable (well, less noticeable than a mole anyway!!).

It was fine, nothing to worry about :biggrin:
Reply 8
guh. I have to get around to having two taken off. one keeps ..well, bleeding and making nasty stuff, and another one is just too much in the sun for my liking - I keep accidentally scratching it off.

if you have a mole that bleeds or oozes you should see a doctor straight away.
Reply 9
if you have a mole that bleeds or oozes you should see a doctor straight away!

:ditto: thats what i thought too!
Reply 10
Peach, where did u get it done and how much?!?
i am not allowed surgery for mine , the dam nuisence, as it is right underneath my breast, and it's too dangerous apprantly, hence i'm not supposed to wear underwired bras, (still do as i need d support)
i had a big mole removed and it was on the side of my armpit nearer to the back area. But i only had the top removed as it came off the skin but i didnt want it removed but my gp insisted but its alright now. I got mine on the nhs so why u paying private for it? i wouldnt.
Also it didnt hurt and she gave me a injection which numbed the area around it and i couldnt feel a thing, it doesnt hurt.
Reply 13
Because my doctor has told me that theres nothing wrong with it, so it would be purely cosmetic. Which they won't do.
Reply 14
Peach, where did u get it done and how much?!?

I got them removed at the Nuffield Hospital in Windsor (Berkshire). I can't remember the cost, I claimed it on my BUPA insurance. I could try and find out for you later if you want. Do you have medical insurance? If yes, have you checked what you're covered for?
Reply 15
Was yours done on a cosmetic basis tho, or were they affecting you in some way?
(I'll try finding out about that medical insurance stuff.
Reply 16
I've been looking at, but their site says prices are from £235, so they're bound to be way more.
Reply 17
My friend got on lasered off her face, no scar or anything now, people don't even remember she had it. xx
I've been looking at, but their site says prices are from £235, so they're bound to be way more.

O Ren, if you read my previous reply, I said that you should just tell the doctor that the moles are causing you problems, ie they rub or are exposed to the sun, then you will get a free operation in a short time. I only have had to wait for two weeks. Where is your mole?
Reply 19
The thing is its not that huge, and its pretty much flat, its just something that i'm not fond of. Anne: I lied to my doctor and said i was worried that it had gotten bigger, but he had a look and said that its fine, so i can't see how i can say it affects me, as its so minor.