The Student Room Group

Transferring to Kingston University as a 2nd year sudent!

Hello guys I am currently on my way to transfer to Kingston university to transfer as a 2nd year student to study Pharmaceutical Science degree. I am just waiting a suitable reference from my tutor in my former uni.

I am having problems in applying via UCAS though to transfer, since I just applied last week of August for transfer the choices section has been frozen because of the clearing stage. I have emailed kingston and they told me to apply for year 2010 instead and they will amend it to 2009. Do you think I continue finishing applying for 2010 or call UCAS about it first.:confused:
Reply 1
call ucas!
Reply 2
Where did you take your first year?
Reply 3
[email protected], could you please get in touch Valzkye?

I'm writing case studies for Kingston students who've come through clearing, and other routes, you might be a good example (assuming you're still enjoying your time here) of someone I'd like to hear from.
