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True there are better, but he has skills.

Don't hold it against him that he has safety concerns, not everyone can be Jackie Chan.
Jackie Chan can act and fight.

Jet li can fight.
Reply 3
Jet li is an actual winner of one of biggest chinese kung-fu competition
Reply 4
Hes just a Jackie Chan wannabe! Bruce Lee is king. *bows*
Hes just a Jackie Chan wannabe! Bruce Lee is king. *bows*

Why? Will you say that about every chinese martial artist that comes to western cinema?
Reply 6
Jackie Chan and Jet Li's styles are verrrry different... they aren't really playing the same role at all... Jet li often uses a much more stylised approach and there's less use of the surrounding objects in his films, but he's done some kick ass fight scenes... especially in his earlier stuff where he was actually doing pure wu shu. Jackie Chan's good because he puts a bit of comedy into his films and takes really good use of objects around him... his films have gone down a lot though since he started using CGI :-/
his films have gone down a lot though since he started using CGI :-/

It's also down to the fact that he is getting old and his previous injuries will be taking their toll.
Reply 8
Jet Li's a real, trained, martial artist.

Jackie Chan's just a guy who does his own stunts, and has informal training. That's all.
Jackie Chan is still a legend though!
Reply 10
Really its the fault of the films not Jet Li himself he was great off the wires in Lethal Weapon 4 and Kiss of the Dragon.
I agree, Chan he was great back in the 80's The Young Master, Drunken Master, Snake in Eagle's Shadow... Young Chan was one hell of a fighter but now he's 51 about time for retirement.
Reply 11
and Jet Li can act. Certainly in his films made in Asia. The thing people here pick up and assume is from his accent in speaking English - thats all. I wonder if you could act in Chinese
Reply 12
jet li owns!
so the simple answer to this thread is "Yes, most likely"
Reply 14
so the simple answer to this thread is "Yes, most likely"

lol...well said! :cool:
Reply 15
Lethal Weapon 4 was an amazing film, Jet Li played the martial arts silent assassin brilliantly. And Chris Rock "look at the badge bitch......check out the gun!"
Jackie Chan's an overrated one-trick pony.
Jet Li's a real, trained, martial artist.

Jackie Chan's just a guy who does his own stunts, and has informal training. That's all.

FYI Jackie Chan has been having martial arts training since he was around 8 yrs at the Chinese or Beijing school. And he never uses wires and other trick stuff that actors like Jet Li use, its pure action.

however his movies lately other than the Rush hour and Shangai Knights series have not been that good.

Jet Li no doubt is talented, but i still think he's overrated. i liked Romeo must Die though and even some of his other movies. but Jackie Chan's still the best :cool: .
I'd still rather watch Bruce Lee films :biggrin: But I don't mind Jet Li at all. Kiss of the Dragon was a really good film IMO. He kicked a lot of ass, while still getting his ass kicked too. With Jackie Chan fims, there so coreographed, that on the really complex scenes, it looks like everyone is just standing around waiting to get hit. But I still have a lot of respect for Jackie Chan, but he no longer makes martial arts films, that's for sure. Just action comedies.
Reply 19
Bruce Lee is quite clearly the best, no discussion neccesary. It's true that Jackie Chan has been learning martial arts for a long time, but so has Jet Li. You can't really compare them, they're totally different in terms of style.

IMO there's nothing really wrong with wire work... fight scenes are coreographed anyways, so they're not real fights... if they're not real fights what's the problem with using wires? It takes a lot of skill to use wires anyways, even if this skill is not the same as fighting skill. To be fair though, if you look at any fight scene where the hero is fighting off ridiculous numbers of baddies, in real life it's not really likely he'd win :P. Numbers do generally count :P.