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AQA GCSE Practice History Questions (WW1 WW2 Cold War)

Since the exam is tomorrow, I thought I'd make up a few questions for me to answer, and who knows maybe some of you will find them useful.

Q) Highlight 4 areas of tension in the run up to WW1 (5 marks)
Q) Explain the two alliance systems and how they were formed (5 marks)
Q) Describe simlpy the naval race (3 marks)
Q) Explain in detail the events and consequences of the three major crises (9 marks)
Q) Describe the steps to war, following the assasination (4 marks)
Q) Describe the Schlieffen plan and why it failed (5 marks)
Q) Who were 'the big three', what were their views towards Germany (6 marks)
Q) Name 7 terms of the Treaty of Versailles (7 marks)
Q) Explain the organisation of the league of nations (8 marks)
Q) Explain the two crises in Abyssinia and Manchuria and how they affected the league (10 marks)
Q) Why was the league of nations weak? (5 marks)
Q) Explain appeasement, and what happened in:
- The Rhineland
- The Anschluss
- The Sudetenland
(15 marks)
Q) Explain simply the event that triggered war (3 marks)
Q) Describe the decisions of Yalta and Potsdam (5 marks)
Q) Why did a cold war ocurr? (3 marks)