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Reply 1
how is the business school do u know anything abt it?
I preffered lufbra over nottingham i hope its the best decision of my life.
Reply 2
Don't know much about the business department sorry, except it has a really funky building!!

Certainly on an academic front coming to Loughborough was the best decision I made, hopefully it will be the same for you!
Reply 3
Don't know much about the business department sorry, except it has a really funky building!!

Certainly on an academic front coming to Loughborough was the best decision I made, hopefully it will be the same for you!

Hopefully i will :smile:
gonna enjoy it as much as u did :biggrin:
Btw any suggesstions like reading n making academic life easy at lboro.
coz im coming from Pakistan n it will be a complete change of enviorment.
Reply 4
Feel free to post them here or PM me :smile:

I've just finished my first year in manufacturing engineering at lufbra.

what are Telford and Royce halls like?
Reply 5
Telford is quite heavy subscribed from what I understand because it is the only self-catered hall in Village Park (and village park is definately where you want to be!!). I think I am right in saying that anyway. So basically if you have your heart set on being in self-catered then apply for all the self catered halls because I know a lot of people who didnt get into their first choice, unfortunately.

Both halls are in a good loaction. On a social side I think Telford has more of a hall spirit than royce, though thats only from what i have picked up. I think a lot of residents are sportspeople (because they need to watch their diet and have training commitments etc). Telford have quite old buildings, though I have never been inside so can't comment on the room size.

A lot of Royce has been renovated recently, these blocks can be found in the lower part of village park along with the new Faraday blocks. The rooms in the new Royce blocks are huge! Definately the biggest room I have seen (Rutherford being the smallest!) I think all the new ones are the ensuite rooms but i might be wrong. Again good location and has nice little green spaces round it with picnic benches and stuff. Though, community spirit is less prominent here I think. I think they share their dining hall with someone else, possibly Rutherford.

Hope that helps. I'm in Elvyn Richards btw.
Reply 6
how about Butler Court and other self catered halls i also applied for Telford but as everyone is saying is hard get in do u think where they'll adjust students who dont get into their preferred halls.
Btw Holt is off campus but certainly look great would u prefer Off campus?
Reply 7
Feel free to post them here or PM me :smile:

I've just finished my first year in manufacturing engineering at lufbra.

hehe, same except i'm aero eng :P I knew someone who was either a fresher or 2nd year on your course, forgotten his name tho!
Reply 8
how about Butler Court and other self catered halls i also applied for Telford but as everyone is saying is hard get in do u think where they'll adjust students who dont get into their preferred halls.
Btw Holt is off campus but certainly look great would u prefer Off campus?

The Holt's crap, butler court you have to share with someone, telford you probably won't get into, it's full of sport science and rich oversees students (i should know, i put it as my first choice, and my flatmate put it as his first and second!). I'm in falk-egg, and it's awesome, coulodn't better it. It's not in the student village, no, but it's in it's own community which makes it special and unique. It's cheap yes, but i couldn't care less, it's got character and community spirit. Plus next year, if you're in falk-egg, you've got an awesome hall chair. He's a legend.
Reply 9
I will be going to Loughborough l8r this year, to study Elect/Elect Engineering. Any Idea if this Elect/Elect is undersubscribed? And what does this actually mean? Thanks
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Reply 10
hehe, same except i'm aero eng :P I knew someone who was either a fresher or 2nd year on your course, forgotten his name tho!

Lol its a small world. My boyfriend is on your course (well, auto)
Reply 11
The Holt's crap, butler court you have to share with someone, telford you probably won't get into, it's full of sport science and rich oversees students (i should know, i put it as my first choice, and my flatmate put it as his first and second!). I'm in falk-egg, and it's awesome, coulodn't better it. It's not in the student village, no, but it's in it's own community which makes it special and unique. It's cheap yes, but i couldn't care less, it's got character and community spirit. Plus next year, if you're in falk-egg, you've got an awesome hall chair. He's a legend.

why do you say the holt is crap!? it looks really nice from the pictures. 'telford you probably won't get into, it's full of sport science and rich oversees students' you say that as if sports students are a bad thing! telford is my first choice but im not hopeful of getting it.
Reply 12
....village park is definately where you want to be!!

I'm in Elvyn Richards btw.

What about David Collet? - Whats like?

Cos im doing MechEng, and i thought maybe there might be quite a few 'engineery people' there, what with it being right outside the wolfson building?

Reply 13
What about David Collet? - Whats like?

Cos im doing MechEng, and i thought maybe there might be quite a few 'engineery people' there, what with it being right outside the wolfson building?


Yeh DC is nice, but a little out of the way in my opinion so it loses out on the community atmosphere a bit for not being right in the centre of the student village. Apparently it has one of the worst male to female ratios, about 6 blokes to every girl i've heard! And as for it being close to engineering, this is true but the halls in the student village are equally close, say a 5 minute walk max!! And don't forget, not all your lectures will be in the Wolfson building. In fact, in my first semester the majority of mine were down in Schofield right in the centre of campus by the rugby pitches. Call me biased but go for a student village hall! You also won't have as far to walk on the way back from the union :wink:
Reply 14
Yeh DC is nice, but a little out of the way in my opinion so it loses out on the community atmosphere a bit for not being right in the centre of the student village. Apparently it has one of the worst male to female ratios, about 6 blokes to every girl i've heard! And as for it being close to engineering, this is true but the halls in the student village are equally close, say a 5 minute walk max!! And don't forget, not all your lectures will be in the Wolfson building. In fact, in my first semester the majority of mine were down in Schofield right in the centre of campus by the rugby pitches. Call me biased but go for a student village hall! You also won't have as far to walk on the way back from the union :wink:


V.good point about the male/female thing, i hant even though of that!
- Also if you say its far enough to be out of the village community, thats not good eather!

Also, i posted on the DC forum, asking about what it was like and i got back
Dc is not cool, we are all chinese and you will probably be the only english person in the hall......unless you are chinese which means u will fit in well......the crappy rooms are crap and the new rooms are nice.

- Which has kinda put my off a bit i guess, not that i have anything against chinese, but you have to have a mix.

So where is the best in the student village?
- The descriptions all sound the same, and the pricing is pritty much the same thoughout too!
- Is there really any diffrence between the deiffrent halls? (i guess there must be, but?)

Reply 15
i hope to be going to lufbra, this yr. my last exam phy6 didnt go to well. i think i should start crying. i want to go in this yr to do Aero Eng.

i applied to telford too, i sent back my form thing in April or May cnt remember.
Reply 16
can u lemme know hows the research culture in ur department , as i am gonna start my research for my PhD soon there.

Reply 17
Anyone here take social sciences at Loughborough? What do you think of it?
Feel free to post them here or PM me :smile:

I've just finished my first year in manufacturing engineering at lufbra.

Hey, does anyone know what John Phillips Court is like, because I've got an accomodation offer from them although I applied to Telford. Any opinions would be much appreciated as I have to reply to the university quite soon about John Phillips.
JP's is of campus, but very close to the union. It depends what course you are on.....if you are business or human sciences, JP is ok, as they are all at the union end of campus.

anything else and you'll have quite a walk on your hands every morning!