The Student Room Group

HELP! My feet!


God this week just gets better and better for me healthwise! Problem is i have a huge blood blister/ regular blister on each foot and they are about 5 centimeters in diameter and are literally killing me- i can hardly walk! Does anyone know any good fixes? What type of shoes should i wear, dressings etc because i need to be able to walk properly very soon!

Reply 1
Compeed blister plasters = lifesaver.
Reply 2
Trainers or very comfortable flat shoes with thick socks.
i have a blood-blister on my toes, most wierdest place. bur comfey shoeies that dont have backs ect. give you freet time to heel.. or.. heat up a pin with a lighter and burst your blood blisters !* not recommended *!
Reply 4
Okay just burst one of the blisters and it leaked blood and clear fluid! Hope this will help!

Reply 5
I know it's not exactly constructive, but...
