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Reply 1
Was dumped this mornin by fairly long-standing girlfriend, feelin bad about it and can't think straight and have big history test tomorrow, any advice on gettin over relationships really really quickly (bout 30 mins)? Also happy with ny helpful comments

awww, hunny, *hugs*
don't worry. :cool: is there something you really enjoy doing, reading/sports/games? if so, put your legs up and take time out to focus on the relationship for a bit and relieve yourself of all the emotions you've got.
Then, when you feel like it just say to yourself, 'i'm not going to let this ruin my education'. I know it hurts to begin with, but i promise, it will get better
Reply 2
i had same problem at start of my AS levels...all i can say is forget about her. i didnt, and in the end i paid for it because i stopped caring about school and fell out with teachers for not doing work etc and looking back i jus think i was stupid because although i had been seeing this girl for a long time it caused me to stop working hard and hit my AS grades badly (which at the end of the day are more important than a girl at my age ;-)) no offence to any girls that read that!

best thing to do is do things to take your mind off her by doing stuff u enjoy and try try try to revise. then this weekend go out with your mates and relax. its hard but u know the saying about the fish and the sea.
Reply 3
My mummy tells me girls are the devil so I never talk to them...
Reply 4
Wow that's tough.. I think you have to bottle it up until it's over. Do whatever you can to suppress it until when you come out of the exam.. i know it's hard if not impossible. you just need to get your head down, learn what you need to learn, write the best essay you can (or whatever you will be doing in the exam!) THEN figure it all out in your mind.

But I dunno what I would do.. very tough situation...
Reply 5
Wow that's tough.. I think you have to bottle it up until it's over. Do whatever you can to suppress it until when you come out of the exam.. i know it's hard if not impossible. you just need to get your head down, learn what you need to learn, write the best essay you can (or whatever you will be doing in the exam!) THEN figure it all out in your mind.

But I dunno what I would do.. very tough situation...

I agree, the only way is to supress your feelings as best you can until the exam is over. Easier said than done, but try your best. Unfortunately there is no quick fix. I feel bad for you, this is a horrible situation.

Good luck for your exam. Maybe you can post again when it's done and let us know how it went.

Peach xxxx
Reply 6
Get your mates, go out and get wasted, you will feel alot better. I personally found that turning up to my maths GCSE drunk meant that I got a grade C rather than the grade E I was predicted. You never know it might have that effect on you but for history!!
Reply 7
awww, hunny, *hugs*
don't worry. :cool: is there something you really enjoy doing, reading/sports/games? if so, put your legs up and take time out to focus on the relationship for a bit and relieve yourself of all the emotions you've got.
Then, when you feel like it just say to yourself, 'i'm not going to let this ruin my education'. I know it hurts to begin with, but i promise, it will get better

i agree! and i know you dont feel like education is more important atm, but tell your mind that, someday you will get over her, but a bad grade in an exam will make a waay more significant dent in the future. as long as you know that in your mind, thats at least a start.
Reply 8
Hey, it's not as bad as being dumped an hour before your BMAT:p:

**** have to just block it out temporarily and get on with life.
Reply 9
sok now. The slution is to talk to her on msn for bit (cos shes bein really nice about it n tryin to be friends) which makes me feel gud for a while so I can revise :smile: I know i shud b tryin to get ova her but that can come later and i have exams to sort out. Thanks for all ur helpful comments
Reply 10
Lie in a quiet room and have a sexual fantasy about her best friend... or maybe her sister if she has an pretty one. And you'll realise that you no longer feel guilty and it's all for the best, anyway. What's the exam you're doing?
Just keep telling yourself over and over that you education is more important than someone who isn't considerate enough to think about timing when dumping you. Put all your energy into revising instead of feeling down-just think of how good it will feel to do well on the exam. Don't do what I did which was to cry all over an exam (year nine english SATs paper) because some idiot dumped you (on an anniversary and everything) Don't let them ruin your chance of doing well!!
Reply 12
sok now. The slution is to talk to her on msn for bit (cos shes bein really nice about it n tryin to be friends) which makes me feel gud for a while so I can revise :smile: I know i shud b tryin to get ova her but that can come later and i have exams to sort out. Thanks for all ur helpful comments

glad things have worked out......just before my business exam i found out my best friend and ex had started dating.....and that definately threw me a bit...but as old and annoying as i sound saying this, love is temporary and grades stay with you for life.
Reply 13
oh my god, the same thing happened to me today, my boyfriend dumped me for another girl, and i have a nedia exam tomoro, it is a horrible feeling, we cab greive together!
oh my god, the same thing happened to me today, my boyfriend dumped me for another girl, and i have a nedia exam tomoro, it is a horrible feeling, we cab greive together!

Yeah joint grieving!! sux doesn't it? life goes on i suppose...
Hey, hist exam didnt go too badly, managed to get sum revision dun in time :biggrin: just gotta get through the next 10 or wateva exams i have over the next 2 weeks
Reply 16
Hey, hist exam didnt go too badly, managed to get sum revision dun in time :biggrin: just gotta get through the next 10 or wateva exams i have over the next 2 weeks

Well done :biggrin: Just carry on with what you're doing revision wise...maybe it'll be easier to talk things through and get over it when you've had a two week break. (if you can call exams a break) What exams are you doing?
got one just english left (YES), the i've got french, science, bus stud. (a load of crap), re shortcourse, graphics more history nd maths. The end never seemed so far off...
Reply 18
Gutted! At least yours have started. I'm doing A2s and I have all my exams (10 modules) within a week, which starts next wednesday!
Reply 19
Me too.....english and ancient history next week. I had a messy break up and my granny died of alzeihmers during my GCSEs and I can assure you it'll be fine!