The Student Room Group


I dont know why but I hadnt been in once until ysterday... theyre amazing. its weird when you first go in, I found it hard to breath but then just relaxed a bit, it was really nice. plus someone put some herbs in the heater and it was really strong like vicks inhaler.. was amazing. Plus my hair was so hot I couldn't hold onto it for long.

I dunno why it was just really fun.. when I'm rich and famous I'm gonna build my own and spend hours in there every day. It's so great!

Anyone know how hot it is in them? I didn't really have a clue..

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Reply 1
It vaires, there should be a thermometer on the side though. I love them too, but am more of a steam room person myself. just a warning, it's unhealthy to spend more than ten minutes in there at a time, after ten mniutes, get out, have a cold shower and go back in if you want, but don't exceed that. xx
Reply 2
cold shower is so painful afterwards...!
how is it bad? I was gonna have a sauna challenge with my mate .. who can spend the longest in one
Reply 3
it's jsut bad for you! (medic needed in here) I'm not sure why. You should shower before it too. There should be safety warnings on the outside of the sauna, read them just to make sure wht your doing is ok. You must take breaks though. xx
Reply 4
sauna rocks but if you haven't tried already go in the steam room its even better :smile: ...
Reply 5
Detest saunas, most horrid things on the face of this earth. Mostly used by lazy people at the gym as well.
Reply 6
what do they do? well i know what they do...but whats the point of going in them?
I went in one when I was at a hotel in Glasgow last year. It was very weird...Kind of nice for a while but only for a very short time!!
Reply 8
There is no point, they make you sweat which apparantly "cleanses" you, don't know how true that is.
Reply 9
yes, the sweating is supposed to cleans your pores. In theory it should result in a better skin complexion

also my stepmother said something about it helping with weightloss, dunno if thats true or not, i can't see why it would be myself
Reply 10
The heat's supposed to put a strain on your heart, especially if you do the plunge pool afterwards. Thats why you should only really stay in for 30 mins max.

I love sauna's, they're so much fun :rolleyes:
Reply 11
Oh i go everyday to sauna, steam room and Spa in my gym. they are sooooo fun. I love steam room and SPA after being in a swimming pool. Just love it.
Reply 12
I aksed some people, apparently it is bad for your heart, not sure why it is though.

I think they theory behind it is, apart from the nice smelling herbs, it unblocks pores and stuff like that (so is good for spots and all that), but it also made me feel cleaner afterwards.. I know thats very unscientific just a feeling.

And any weight loss I think would be from water, which you should be drinking again to avoid dehydration....
Reply 13
my boyfriends mum says it lowers your sperm count???
it's jsut bad for you! (medic needed in here) I'm not sure why. You should shower before it too. There should be safety warnings on the outside of the sauna, read them just to make sure wht your doing is ok. You must take breaks though. xx

yeh, firstly they dehydrate you like hell - its a very very dry heat which seems to rip the water out of every orifice. In countries with long traditions of sauna it was always customary to swim in cold water after/before. O and hit yourself with branches...

I prefer steam room too. Sauna is too 'hot'.
Reply 15
my boyfriends mum says it lowers your sperm count???

They do!!!
once i went there.. it was horrible.. i nearly fell down.. its so hot.. i dont know why ppl go there..
Reply 17
For all of those who want to find their nearest sauna

Reply 18
For all of those who want to find their nearest sauna


Nice find :rolleyes:
Reply 19
a the innocence of heterosexuality...