The Student Room Group

How to answer History questions... LOOK HERE!!!

Utility Questions: eg How useful is this source to blah blah blah
Information - what the source tells us
Inferences - what can we draw from this?
Questions - what doesn't the source reveal?
Own knowledge - I KNOW that THIS was the case
Conclusion - judgement/how far it is useful

Cartoon Questions: eg What is the cartoonist's message?
Structure question as follows:
At the time cartoon X was made, Y had just happened.
The cartoonist's message about this is Z
The details from the cartoon which show this are XYZ

Factor Questions: eg The most important factor for X happening was Y
Make a judgement
Suggest other factors
Discuss the importance of given factor

Questions you haven't got the foggiest about:
Look for the PROVENANCE,
Who made it
Motives for making it
When it was made and look for a significant date.

Hope this helps peeps and loads of luck for tomorrow! :wink:
Reply 1
Hope this helps peeps and loads of luck for tomorrow! :wink:

Cheers it did, i never like source questions, essays are easy to write you just reel of facts, source questions you nede to think about them and interpret them :frown: Good luck tomorrow mate
Reply 2
source questions are fun.They make you think
lol this doesnt apply to my sources questions - wot board u on?
Reply 4
It's probably worth mentioning that planning is hugely important in History. It can really tip the balance in your favour if you stuff up the concerned question. My history teacher also taught us to write a little list of bullet points of things you'd include in your essay if you had extra time (IE if your time runs out). Might get you a couple more marks...