The Student Room Group

Experiences with the Mirena IUS coil?

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(I have used the search function and looked at the sticky, just wondering if I could get any more info out of you guys)

So I have had problems with the pill causing migraines and went to the doctor today and had a really long talk about all my options. She has suggested that I get the Mirena IUS coil thing. It's the copper free one I think.

I am not sexually active so I am really afraid that the whole procedure of having it put in will hurt.

I've googled for peoples experiences on it and all I can find is horrible negative comments and stories. Now I am scared! I haven't made an appointment to get one fitted yet.

I just wondered if anyone had any experiences/knows anyone who has had an experience that they could share with me?

Thank you all in advance :smile:
Hi..ive heard that the mirena coil is very effective if you suffer painful or heavy periods and also for contraceptive reasons obvs! I know quite a few people that have got it and they dont actualy get there period anymore jus a light spotting kinda one every 6 months or something.

Its meant to be quite uncomfortable and painful to get put in if you havent have children yet
My girlfriend's currently trying to get this as she's disagreed with 6 or 7 different pills, she's got an appointment to be "measured"...

Makes me glad to be a man really....
I have it, had it fitted when I went on a low dose of Roaccutane, as one of my 2 forms of contraception.

Its supposed to be the "Rolls Royce" of iuds, never had any problems, neither have a couple of friends who have it, just lucky I guess.
Reply 4
I have it, had it fitted when I went on a low dose of Roaccutane, as one of my 2 forms of contraception.

Its supposed to be the "Rolls Royce" of iuds, never had any problems, neither have a couple of friends who have it, just lucky I guess.

Thanks for the reply :smile: was it horrible when they put it in?
Reply 5
Hi..ive heard that the mirena coil is very effective if you suffer painful or heavy periods and also for contraceptive reasons obvs! I know quite a few people that have got it and they dont actualy get there period anymore jus a light spotting kinda one every 6 months or something.

Its meant to be quite uncomfortable and painful to get put in if you havent have children yet

Yeah that's what the doctor told me too :smile:

I am just very worried about the possible discomfort at first having it fitted. I mean, the hole in the cervix of a woman who hasn't given birth is about the size of a pencil lead and the coil has got to be at least a centimetre in diameter. *has emotional breakdown*
Yeah that's what the doctor told me too :smile:

I am just very worried about the possible discomfort at first having it fitted. I mean, the hole in the cervix of a woman who hasn't given birth is about the size of a pencil lead and the coil has got to be at least a centimetre in diameter. *has emotional breakdown*

Try and find out if anyone you know has it and ask them about there friend whos 17 got it for her heavy periods and she got an infection, my doctor said young girls can get it..but it can be cleared easy with antibiotics..ive been offfered to get the coil but i cant take antibiotics and cant stand pain! so not sure..but there are pros, you dont have to think about contraception, its more effective than the pill, you may not get periods or they will be lighter and not as sore.
I had one fitted, but wasput to sleep for it. This was because a woman who hasnt had a child has a closed cervix and many cannot handle a coil being put in. Having it is a dream. No more pain EVER, but you take a few months to settle into it, i was bleeding for 3 months and then i have had nothing since. If it is the best option stick it out as it is worth it. And talk to the doc about a mild sedative to ease the discomfort.
Wow I wish I had been put to sleep... I had it put in today, and I must say it was very very painful. I'm 20.. and have been sexually active for 5 years and haven't had a baby. The pain was horrible. It started off as uncomfortable, then they started things properly. The nurse was lovely though, holding my hand and helping me with my breathing as I thought I was going to faint. I lay there shaking for about 10 minutes afterwards, and then when I got home burst out crying as I was in shock. I need to go back in a few days to get the threads trimmed as they didn't do it today because I was in too much pain and they wanted to finish it. I've just had this put in today, but now it is in I am glad I have done it. They had trouble locating my cervix as I was on my period, which may have made my experience longer and more difficult than others. Now I have it and don't need to worry about getting pregnant for 5 years. A horrible experience, but you will get through it. I would recommend asking about a higher dose of painkiller or anaesthetic when you go for a consultation though as this would probably greatly improve your experience.
Reply 9
In London I booked my appointment online, got a text, went to my appt, got given a lucozade (a fizzy energy drink) to make sure my blood sugar was good, had a nurse hold my hand and talk me through everything whilst the doctor inserted my Mirena, chilled with the nurse after and had ALL my questions/concerns answered and I was fine the entire day. Still bleeding lightly a week later and hoping it will end soon. Anyone know how long the bleeding usually lasts?

I read all the horror stories online, too, and went in sweating buckets, but I'm here to be one of the positive experiences!

I had my IUS put in a week ago. I took 2 ibuprofen and 2 paracetamol an hour before the appt (more than recommended but I was scared lol). I'm sexually active but only 20 so never had kids, so was a bit nervous.

Anyway, the actual insertion was pretty painful, but nothing like the stories I'd read. I can only describe it as a very bad period cramp lasting about a minute; the pain isn't localised, it just feels like a cramp. Once she took everything out the harsh pain stopped and I was left with normal period cramps.

For the rest of the day I had mild cramps, just like a period, and the tiniest bit of spotting, but since I haven't had anything! No cramps, no bleeding, I don't even realise it's there.

I hope this gives you some consolation that it can be fine! I would definitely take the 1 minute of pain for 5 years of contraception!
I understand you're interested in the marina rather than the copper coil, but my experience might be useful to consider as apparently expulsion is even more likely with the marina.

I went to get the copper coil yesterday evening after being on the implant since I was 15 (I'm now 20). I liked the idea of having no artificial hormones as well as finally having a regular period (even if that did mean more period pain!)
I went into the doctors and they managed to fit me with the 10 year copper coil, the largest one. It was very uncomfortable for me and felt like severe cramps and burning. It only took about 3 mins and then it was done though!

I felt completely fine so got up and then moved to the seats to talk about it more with my nurse but then I got a sudden wave of nausea and fainted. My pulse was really low and even after 20 mins of laying down, drinking water and eating it still wasn't rising.
The nurse then called the doctor in and then informed me that I would most likely have to get it removed as my body seemed to be rejecting it and this feeling of faintness wouldn't get better!
Then the nurse put the speculum in and had a look she said "wow it is being expelled already!". So that's why I was feeling so faint, my uterus for some reason forced it out and rejected it within a few mins of insertion. The removal was painless and took about 10 seconds and Immediately My pulse went back to normal and I felt 100X better.

I didn't realise this could happen so soon after insertion and havnt been able to find any similar stories online. And incase someone says it, no- it wasn't inserted incorrectly, the nurse specialises in this and she said it went in perfectly.
Original post by Anonymous
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(I have used the search function and looked at the sticky, just wondering if I could get any more info out of you guys)

So I have had problems with the pill causing migraines and went to the doctor today and had a really long talk about all my options. She has suggested that I get the Mirena IUS coil thing. It's the copper free one I think.

I am not sexually active so I am really afraid that the whole procedure of having it put in will hurt.

I've googled for peoples experiences on it and all I can find is horrible negative comments and stories. Now I am scared! I haven't made an appointment to get one fitted yet.

I just wondered if anyone had any experiences/knows anyone who has had an experience that they could share with me?

Thank you all in advance :smile:

Hey! I have had the mirena for 3/4 years now and the first year was H E L L. Countless sleepless nights, docs appointments, pain, time off work... the list goes on. Since then it has settled but I have suffered other new side effects and I will be enquiring to take it out.
Unless this is your only option, I would explore other avenues first.