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Reply 1
Well today I have been sneezing and had sore eyes. Sometimes I get what I describe to the doctor as a "fizzy nose". Decongestants seem to clear things up!
Reply 2
I usually suffer really badly from Hayfever, however I have not got it so ar this year (though I am living by the sea)!! Cross fingers!!!
Reply 3
I have it and its properly started this week. It's really annoying to have to keep sniffling every few minutes during a exam and even worse when my eyes start getting itchy. I need to buy some anti-histermines I think..

Reply 4
I have it and its properly started this week. It's really annoying to have to keep sniffling every few minutes during a exam and even worse when my eyes start getting itchy. I need to buy some anti-histermines I think..


yeah: its really bad when you're the only person in the exam being all sniffly and ya feel like a right fool :redface:

i'm taking um already, and still to no effect (well, they help, but not loads :frown:)
Reply 5
YEAH!!! its terrible for me, i get it so bad. antihistamines dont work and i wasted so much time in exams last year blowing my nose and sneezing it was awful. i cant cope with that again this year, im going to get me a docs appointment tomorrow because this damn thing ruins my summer!!!
Reply 6
I'm a really bad sufferer. It always affects my exams!

Mine started about 3 weeks ago, but has got even worse for the past week.

My medication doesnt seem to work any more :frown:
Reply 7
had it bad in the summer of '94

feeling a bit snotty this year.

wow: you can remember that well? i struggle to remember what i had for dinner yesterday :redface: ... actually... what did i have for dinner yesterday? :confused:
Reply 8
YEAH!!! its terrible for me, i get it so bad. antihistamines dont work and i wasted so much time in exams last year blowing my nose and sneezing it was awful. i cant cope with that again this year, im going to get me a docs appointment tomorrow because this damn thing ruins my summer!!!

Mine got to a point where there was a teacher standing next to me giving me tissues one after the other during my exam (on the day I had six exams - oh God I never want to remember that day again)! Such bad memories.
Reply 9
My medication doesnt seem to work any more :frown:

Yeah: it seems to be one of those things that, you have one kind for a while... then when they stop, ya move on to a different kind, and so on and so forth... :mad:
Reply 10
Yeah: it seems to be one of those things that, you have one kind for a while... then when they stop, ya move on to a different kind, and so on and so forth... :mad:

But the thing is, NOTHING works for me any more. I just try and live through it until my body fights against it itself. Bad strategy I suppose.
Reply 11
But the thing is, NOTHING works for me any more. I just try and live through it until my body fights against it itself. Bad strategy I suppose.

lol. i know the feeling. i just seem to go round in circles of the same medicine, hoping that it might start working this time.... which is prolly a worse way of going at it that you. lol.

can your body ever really combat it?
Reply 12
lol. i know the feeling. i just seem to go round in circles of the same medicine, hoping that it might start working this time.... which is prolly a worse way of going at it that you. lol.

can your body ever really combat it?

To be honest I don't really know. Every morning I wake up expecting to feel like crap to be honest.

I haven't really paid much thought to which medicine I should try for this year. For the past 3 weeks I've just let nature take its course. Sometimes I don't know if its a cold or just hayfever symptoms, or maybe even both.

Ah well, no matter what condition I'm in, I still do my Maths :biggrin:

Do you have any recommendations for particular medication?
Reply 13
nothing works for me any more either, and its never really affected my eyes until this year. and yeah it started getting bad THIS week damnit the week before my exams start. man i hate summer.
Reply 14
i take clarytin but they don't work. i've tried benadryl and piriteze which also don't work. *sigh*
Reply 15
To be honest I don't really know. Every morning I wake up expecting to feel like crap to be honest.

I haven't really paid much thought to which medicine I should try for this year. For the past 3 weeks I've just let nature take its course. Sometimes I don't know if its a cold or just hayfever symptoms, or maybe even both.

Ah well, no matter what condition I'm in, I still do my Maths :biggrin:

Do you have any recommendations for particular medication?

lol. benadryl once a day seems to be the best for me at the moment (cetirizine hydrochloride 10mg i think it is... might have got that slightly wrong) but its still not super duper effective :frown:
Reply 16
lol. benadryl once a day seems to be the best for me at the moment (cetirizine hydrochloride 10mg i think it is... might have got that slightly wrong) but its still not super duper effective :frown:

Yeh, tried all of that and none work :frown: .

Although Fixanase Nasal spray looks promising (I might have got the spelling wrong on that one).
Reply 17
i suffer from hayfever quite alot, always causes probs esp exam time
few days ago it was very bad and i got some new nose spray called Nasonex(from doc) which worked after one spray, quite effective for me but diff medicines for hayfever help diff people, beconose doesnt help me atal but helps alot of sufferers :confused:
Reply 18
Yeh, tried all of that and none work :frown: .

Although Fixanase Nasal spray looks promising (I might have got the spelling wrong on that one).

one thing i've never really tried nasal sprays.. dunno: how effective actually are they and how long does it last?
Reply 19
I normally get very bad hayfever but for some reason I haven't had it that bad so far this year, even though the pollen count was high recently.

Nasal sprays have never worked well for me, but cetirizine tablets that I get on prescription work fine.