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Reply 1
Think I must have been 15.
Reply 2
when i was 15 the only person i ever truly loved
Reply 3
yeah, 15 or so.
Reply 4
I was 16 and with him for 10 months.
I was 15 too, still with him and nearly 17 now. That makes it sound like we've been going out 2 years, but it's about 17 months. Still in love though! What made you start the thread?
I was almost 17 when I had my first (and only) boyfriend, and we were together for 4/5 months.
Reply 7
Nice post :smile: They (parents) say your first is never your last or something as standard as that, but they're wrong!

My first, and only girlfriend, who I'm with still I was friends with and now together for a year and a bit since 16/17 ish
14.. was together about a month... im lucky he moved or id probably still be in it... *abusive relationship crap... yeah at frikkin 14.. it sucked*

1st long term relation shhip was at 15 for a year and abit. im not in my second lt and its nearly a year and a half.. not a isngle argument... im just missing him cause hes had to go to ireland to see his grandad and exams have kept me here :frown:
when did u first have a proper gf/bf?

Proper proper. From my 17th birthday through till summer before uni.
never had a proper 1, longest relationship was a month does that count?
never had a proper 1, longest relationship was a month does that count?

me either! :rolleyes: shame really, i get bored too quickly and i just let it all slip apart.. and seeing as i only have had 3 boyfriends in my life i reakon my being in a relationship pointless
Nice post :smile: They (parents) say your first is never your last or something as standard as that, but they're wrong!

My first, and only girlfriend, who I'm with still I was friends with and now together for a year and a bit since 16/17 ish

Ditto to that :p:,was 16 and a bit when we got together, still going strong for 14 months today:biggrin: (must update my sig)
19 still in it :smile:
Reply 14
I suppose that depends on your definition of proper!

My first ever boyfriend was this guy I went out with to make my arch-enemy jealous haha, we only lasted six weeks. I really don't know what I was thinking, he was always a bit strange. We just used to get together and kiss a bit. But what else was I expecting? I was only 14 and he was 15.

Then a few months later I got together with my first real boyfriend. He caught the same school bus as the one mentioned above! We're kind of still together (but he's at uni now), and its been about 3 and a half years. I was 14 when we got together and I'm 18 now :smile:
Reply 15
hmm this is a very tricky one lol, I had many Internet relationships when I was like 13/14, I know laugh now, and also a few at school that lasted a week or less lol.

Serious one though I would say 6+ months is serious? I was 17.
Reply 16
my first long term relationship started on my 15th birthday and lasted just over a year. was better off out of that one though! before that had just had stupid boyfriends that i wouldn't really count.

At 17, for 2 years. Only relationship I've had. *sighs*
At the moment (so that is 17 :redface: )
Reply 19
18 - for two years.