The Student Room Group

eek my nipple!

My nipple got really sore a few weeks ago, which nipples occasionally do just from running or whatever. But there was a kinda small scab on it that was stinging, so i disinfected it and covered it for a few days. Then when i uncovered it the area was still really dry, so I moisturised and kept it clean and stuff. Since then that small area still looks really raw, I mean you can't really notice from a distance its just a bit redder than normal, but when i look close the skin looks pretty nasty. It doesn't seem to be healing at all! What is this?? Any advice? :confused:

Reply 1
As always, if in doubt; go to the doctor.

Reply 2
can you wear a plain cotton t-shirt with out a bra or something like that? means air can get to it. If it doesn't start to heal I'd go get it checked out. Just to make sure if doesn't get infected or anything.
Reply 3
Oh good heavens I had this problem when I was on Roaccutane. My nipples swelled up and I itched incredulously, to the extent where I just had to scratch. They became infected and everything. I advise you to not scratch, but go to the doctor and he/she will give you some pathches to stick on.
Reply 4
pic pic pic pic! :biggrin: just kidding, I didn't read the thread but as with almsot all threads of this type you should prolly just go to the doctor...
Reply 5
as my eyes glanced over this forum i thoguht it said eat my nipple. Being the inquisitive creature i am i had to look. just "air it" for a few days when you get the time. If nothing happens, GO SEE A DOCTOR!
Reply 6
Reply 7
the doctor is always the best bet if you've got something medically wrong
the doctor is always the best bet if you've got something medically wrong

Very true.

-Did you manage to sunburn your nips? (i only ask because i somehow always seem to do that and they then chafe like hell against any fabric)
Best off seeing the doctor, not only in case there is something a bit nastier going on, but also your own peace of mind.
